Homes of the Future

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uppladdat: 2002-02-07
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Homes of the future

We know by fact and experience that our lives and society aim at being more effective and functional. When you think about the future you easily imagine busy people and crowded cities, though it feels wrong to believe that everything will be so sterile. In the future we will be more aware of what the consequences of comfort ness is. And we know what we need to live long and merrily. For example every house, and room will have full access to broadband (which is happiness). But the twisted-pair wires will be a sign for poverty since broadband only is available in the less expensive neighbourhoods, because everywhere else a connection to the world and Internet, obviously, is wireless.

White goods, such as televisions, computers and all the other brand new machines that will exist in the future are already built-in, but easily updated to the latest version. To not encourage people to be lazy couch potatoes, the TV stations only broadcast really dreadful TV shows – education programmes and such, but of course, some people will find it entertaining and get a hold of a lot of information (that still is the key to richness and power).

To prevent all computer freaks and geeks from atrophied muscles and enlarged brains (proportionally, it will look rather funny) there is no electricity to the computers. You have to get them started manually with a little help from an advanced bicycle device. That will provide a healthy and smart, beautiful young youth. These bicycle devices are very coveted and it’s shameless what you can pay for one at the black market of the future. And if you don’t own any you’ll get bullied at school and at work and your chances to live a normal life is more or less non-existent.

Even smaller living-issues have been taken care of, such as the problem with neighbours. Because who doesn’t find it annoying with crying babies and loud music when you are about to sleep (or any other time). To solve this problem all houses and flats are well isolated. Windows is another subject; in the future they will be adjustable! You will be able to choose if people should be able to look in or not, and what size the window should have.

Already now, at the present, we have huge problems with finding accommodations, or any other place to live. Housing shortage will not be big problem in the future since we built a lot of skyscrapers (some people complained about this, but shut their mouths when they got a place to live). The architects of the future are bright but crazy; they have succeeded with the odd combination of symmetry and the extreme, the result is tremendous. Because someone finally realised that houses should be both nice to live in at to look at. There’re also possibilities that you will be able to live in a skyscraper of wood in the future. It is also very important with landscaping, because we need some kind of substitute for all the nature and environment we have damaged.

By demand the skyscrapers also are terrorist-proof and guaranteed to manage attacks of any kind. The houses will definitely be a mixture of all kinds of cultural architecture because of the globalisation. There’s room for all ethnical cultures, and the word “exotic” is very close to extinction – or lost it’s meaning. In the future the word “exotic” more likely describes Billy the Shelf (from IKEA) or anything made of plastic. “Plastic is sooo last millennium” – trendsetters in the future say, because everything then will be made of recycled material. “Yesterdays garbage is our bargain” has replaced “home sweet home” and people are obsessed with not wasting anything – because who knows – it could be valuable for someone else!

Another hot material in the future is the more well known: glass. In our desperate try to re-create the glory of the past we create weird things of glass. Things like books, clothes and wallpapers are made of glass; anything that sounds impossible is tempting to create for the “weird-things-of-glass inventers”.

And everyone’s favourite colour is blue; a strange colour blue, because there was a rumour about the sky actually being blue once, but no one ever really saw it. They’ve put the smartest scientists...

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  • Inactive member 2005-05-30

    Grymt skönt arbete!!!


Inactive member [2002-02-07]   Homes of the Future
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-04-27]

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