Adherence in pharmaceutical utalisation -A demand for health analysis based on the Swedish Survey of Living Conditions and the Pharmaceutical Registry

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uppladdat: 2008-09-04
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The World Health Organization rapports general low adherence to medical treatments in long term therapies among developed countries. The aim of this study was to analyse the individual variation in drug adherence to long term use. A set of individual data with people interviewed in year 2004/2005 was created from the Swedish Survey of Living Conditions and the Pharmaceutical Registry. The data set included 909 individuals that had been dispensed selective-beta-receptor inhibitors for long term use for cardiovascular treatment. Drug adherence was approximated as dispensed daily doses divided with the total number of days in the study period. Drug Adherence was regarded as a health-investment. We found that adherence was positively correlated with (1) wage, (2) having been dispensed other types of prescribed drugs for cardiovascular diseases, and (3) being overweight or obese. Moreover, a net of crosseffects were found significant, smokers among those with low education have higher adherence compare to non smokers or smokers with higher education. Furthermore, wage was found to be negatively correlated to wage among women. Adherence behaviour can be analysed within the demand-for-hea...

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Inactive member [2008-09-04]   Adherence in pharmaceutical utalisation -A demand for health analysis based on the Swedish Survey of Living Conditions and the Pharmaceutical Registry
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-05-02]

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