Paradise lost : the effects of isolation on the groups in Lord of the Flies and The Beach

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uppladdat: 2008-01-01
Inactive member

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This essay discusses the effects of isolation on two isolated groups: the young boys in William Golding's Lord of the Flies, and the backpackers in Alex Garland's The Beach. Through discussing the novels from different perspectives, such as the circumstances of their isolation, the group constellations and the threats that endanger their lives, it is possible to draw conclusions regarding the extent to which isolation in itself influences the two groups. The groups are in similar situations, alone on a desert island, but the circumstances under which they became isolated contribute to the different perceptions both groups have of isolated life. The group constellations are also key factors in understanding the influence isolation has on the groups. Both collectives include key individuals such as a strong, dictator-like leader and social outcasts. Regarding the threats that face the groups, the essay discusses two different types of threats: threats that originate from outside the group and threats that originate from within the group. Isolation influences the extent to which these threats pose a real danger to the collectives. Through comparing the two novels, looking for differences as well as similarities, and relating these to the fact that the groups a...

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Inactive member [2008-01-01]   Paradise lost : the effects of isolation on the groups in Lord of the Flies and The Beach
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-05-02]

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