Uthållig estetik i landskapet - om att synliggöra sitt förhållningssätt till hållbarhet : Sustainable landscape aesthetics - to demonstrate ones attitude towards sustainability

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uppladdat: 2008-01-01
Inactive member

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Abstract In my work, I have tried to define and clarify the conception of sustainability seen from my perspective as a landscape architect. With a basis in literature studies, I have analysed and commented on different applications, contents and meanings of sustainability and endurance. This compilation is based on how a number of writers, researchers and authorities consider the importance of integrating ecological, social and economic aspects of sustainability in city planning. My perspective has mainly been founded on the anthologies and compilations from the 80´s and 90´s where Per G. Berg and Björn Malbert acted as editors. This is since they have been prominent figures in the field in Sweden. In addition to the aspects of ecological, social and economic sustainability, I have also discussed what sustainable aesthetics could be for me as a landscape architect and in the role of a designer in this context. The questions I have tried to answer are dealing with the design work that I practise to achieve a long-term sustainable housing and living environment. This written work has been carried out through an exposition of literature concerning design theory, which was chosen from a view integrating theory and practice and therefore connecting sustainability with questions of awareness and meaning. If the goal for me as a landscape architect is to create as sustainable environments as possible, this approach has to be implanted when designing. If the goal also includes creating an as meaningful environment as I possibly could manage, then design becomes synonymous with creating something that can be sustainable, though also meaningful at the same time. I have therefore discussed my role in this striving for increased sustainability and what I need to understand considering my work as a landscape architect. I have also discussed what I have to show consideration for as well as how I relate to the world around me. The aspects of ethics, quality and meaning have therefore been included in this aesthetic attitude of mine. An investigation of a city-planning project where sustainability was the main theme is also included in this work. The selected project is Hammarby Sjöstad, City of Stockholm. The concept of city building and architecture is studied and discussed by analysing the quality program made by city planning committee in cooperation with consults and building proprietors. I discuss how the goals in the program were fulfilled in planning and projecting to be able to see different approaches to sustainability, hence the aim is to see how sustainability can be expressed as well as understood. As a landscape architect I have an active role in city planning, since I can make an immediate effect on the design of the physical environment. Therefore I mean that striving for sustainability ought to be an evident part in the work of a landscape architect. Sustainable design results in a sustainable city and as a landscape architect I have a responsibility to think big. For this reason my opinion is that the sustainable aesthetics should be a goal for all of us. The question I have tried to answer in this work of mine is consequently how this can be concretized and achieved. Awareness of ethics of sustainability is one way for the landscape architect to relate to aesthetic, social and ecological values. Sustainable aesthetics should then be the crucial goal for me as a landscape architect of the 21st century considering all kind of environmental design. A meaningful, competent and innovative design action performed with awareness then consequently becomes a necessity for a sustainable development. Sustainable aesthetics embraces design solutions for existing and future needs that are based on ecological and social as well as economic requirements for a sustainable city. The sustainable aesthetics embraces design solutions for existing and future needs that are founded on ecological, social and economic conditions for a sustainable city. I have discussed the connections between the different aspects of sustainability and how it all adds up for me. This reasoning could be regarded as a circular movement, but it has been important for me to get this opportunity to more tho...

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Kommentera arbetet: Uthållig estetik i landskapet - om att synliggöra sitt förhållningssätt till hållbarhet : Sustainable landscape aesthetics - to demonstrate ones attitude towards sustainability

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Inactive member [2008-01-01]   Uthållig estetik i landskapet - om att synliggöra sitt förhållningssätt till hållbarhet : Sustainable landscape aesthetics - to demonstrate ones attitude towards sustainability
Mimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=12662 [2024-05-04]

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