Imaginative loveletter from Jay Gatsby to Daisy Buchanan (The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald)

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uppladdat: 2002-12-06
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23rd of October 1918

My dear dear Daisy,
I can see your sparkling eyes, your smiling lips. I can hear your sweet sweet voice singing, your happy laughter and your heart beating. I can feel the warmth from you, lying in my arms and sometimes I even feel the gentle taste of your kisses. But why am I so forlorn and miserable? Daisy, oh Daisy for you are not here with me! Right now you are nothing but wonderful and breathtaking dreams and fantasies in my mind. But in my heart I have a gleam of hope that you, my precious little princess will be waiting for me when I return from this outrageous inferno. That you will be meeting me in your roadster and wearing the dress you wore that blessed autumn day last year. When you touched my hand for the first time that afternoon, I wanted nothing more than to hold it forever. Destiny has kept us away from each other, but though miles lie between us, we’re never far apart, for love doesn’t count the miles, it counts the heart.

At first I wanted to write a letter to you every day I was overseas, cause one single letter, even a thousand of letters are not enough to explain my love to you my dear. But war, as always, is hard and distressing and even though I want to write that often, I have responsibility for my platoon and all we can do is pray to God and hope that the end is near. Oh Daisy, I don’t know if I can take this much longer, people are dying all around me and sometimes I think that the one and only reason I am still alive in this mess, is the small photograph of you I always keep with me. Whenever I feel discouraged and alone I gaze at the heavenly beautiful creature that is you.

I can consider myself very lucky knowing a woman like you, but at the same time I’m also very sad. I am aware of the fact that I don’t deserve you My wealth can never compare to what you are worthy of. But as I like to romanticise things I put my faith in that my love will be sufficient for you. And if it isn’t, I will do everything in my power to make you happy because you really make me want to be a better man.

I hope that you have enjoyed many amusing parties while I have been away, I picture you to myself like a beautiful white flower dancing and laughing around on someone’s lawn under the stars.
If you save a dance for me, I can wear my uniform and you your dress and I promise you, that will be your best one ever! If the ...

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Inactive member [2002-12-06]   Imaginative loveletter from Jay Gatsby to Daisy Buchanan (The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald)
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-05-07]

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