Romeo and Juliet

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uppladdat: 2000-08-28
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A tragic love story, where hate encounters love, as inamorata meets inamorato in great devotion, is the spine of the play of William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.
The whole caboodle eventuates in Fair Verona in Italy. The play captures the themes of mutiny, hate and rivalry between two feuding households. These two ménages, the Montague and the Capulet were of the same social class, thus in constant interference.

In the first scene, these two domiciliaries were grappling as they usually did. The Prince of Verona was discontented with this fact, which resulted in that he pledged that the next person to fight would be sentenced to death.
At the same time, the Capulet couple were planning a marriage between their young daughter and Count Paris, which would give them an even higher social status. They expected Juliet, their daughter, to agree with the arrangements, and threatened that she would end up on the streets if she would disagree. In the evening of the first day of the play, the Capulets had a masquerade feast, to which Romeo, the only son of the Montague, and his friends accidentally got invited.
Once at the feast, Romeo and Juliet see each other for the first time. They had been aware of each other’s existence for a long time, but never met. There was love at the very first sight, as Romeo approached her and asked for a gentle kiss, which he gleefully obtained. This was the beginning of a relationship where neither sire name nor their families’ mutiny mattered. Julia expressed this with “my only love sprung from my only hate” (Iv l 134)
These two paramours agreed to espouse on the first night. The day after, Friar Lawrence, the pacifier of Fair Verona, complied to coalesce them as he thought this could form conciliation between their families. In this scene, Juliet’s nurse acted as their messenger who informs Juliet about time and place for the wedding ceremony. They secretly walked down the aisle, in defiance towards their parents. After the wedding, Mercutio, Romeo’s closest comrade, and Tybalt, Lady Capulet’s nephew, ended up in a tussle. Mercutio got stabbed in the stomach and Romeo came to his aid, unfortunately too late though. Mercutio expressed his susceptibilities by uttering “A plague o’ both your houses!”(IIIi l 104) as he died. This made Romeo bitterly exasperated. He did not feel satisfied until he had killed Tybalt himself. By having done this, he had defied the ban of the Prince of Verona. Romeo now had to go into exile to Mantua. Juliet became downhearted, partially because of Tybalt’s death, but mostly because of Romeo’s banishment, as it meant that these two lovers had to be apart.
Juliet was now to marry Paris, as both her parents wanted, but she refused to at first. After a big argument with her father, she felt she had to agree to marry. Juliet was now depressed and morose, as she did not know what to do. The marriage was set up to be on the following Thursday, which was only a few days ahead. As planned, Juliet went to Friar Lawrence to make a confession. She desperately importuned for his advice, as he was one of very few people to be aware of her complicated and perplexing situation. After having told him that she was prepared to offer her life for her dearest Romeo, Friar Lawrence decided to assist her. He told her about a kind of poison that would make your body seem dead for 24 hours, while you actually are in a coma. Juliet was to take this before going to bed on the night before the wedding. Meanwhile, Friar Lawrence would send a message to Romeo informing him about the situation and asking him to come back to Verona to be there when his wife wakes up. Juliet was then given a small bottle of this poison, which would make it possible for Juliet to escape with Romeo and let them live happily ever after. This was not what it turned out to be though, unfortunately. On the Wednesday evening, Juliet did what Friar Lawrence had told her to do; she drank the poison delightingly.

The following morning, the house of the Capulets got hysterically choked and everyone disconsolate, when they found young Capulet lying dead in her bed.
At the same time, in Mantua, Romeo had misheard the message about his beloved wife not actually being dead, as Balthazar, his messenger, told him about his wife’s funeral. Romeo now thought that his cherished Juliet actually was dead, and decided to head for Verona. On the way there, he bought some poison that would end his life quickly, which was exactly what he wanted, as the only thing he lived for; his wife, was now, as he thought, dead. He now headed for the graveyard, to die next to Juliet. When he came there, he was not aware of the fact that Paris was there. When he realised that, they fought and Paris shortly thereafter fell dead to the ground. Romeo now drank the poison and died. Friar Lawrence entered the graveyard soon thereafter and asked Balthazer, who still was there and alive, what had happened. It did not take long until Juliet woke up from her coma, and found Romeo lying dead by her side. Instead of living the rest of her life in a depression as a result of the death of her husband, she took her Romeo’s dagger and stabbed herself and fell dead on her darling’s body, to rest in peace eternally together.

A moment later, both the Montagues and Capulets had gathered there, at the graveyard together with Friar Lawrence, Balthazer and the Prince of Verona. Friar Lawrence was now forced to tell them the whole story of Romeo and Juliet. After that, the Prince asked these two households to become friends and live in peace. They all agreed, and the Montagues promised to raise a statue of Juliet in pure gold in Fair Verona.
The tragic romance of Romeo and Juliet luckily ended in peace between their families.

The play is comparable with a ling lovely poem that flows along with the romantic story in chronological order. Each scene is a subplot, which are all part of the big plot-the play.
The main characters, Romeo and Juliet, are not described in detail, all though you find out a lot about them as the play proceeds when the love between two rivals increases. Juliet seems to have been a very loving, caring, brave and determined girl to be as mature as she was at the age of 13. Romeo seemed to be a bit more hot-tempered but let his friends make fun of him without complaints.

Personally, I found this play ...

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