Varför bor Luis i slummen? : En kvantitativ undersökning om hur folk framställs i en serie skolböcker

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uppladdat: 2008-01-01
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Teching aid in form of schoolbooks plays an importent role. The teacher uses schoolbooks as a tool in its tutoring. I have examined how and whether the pictures in the schoolbooks are presenting people and ethnic minorities biased and stereotypical. The material I have examined consisted of a series of schoolbooks (So-direkt 1-3, samhällskunskap av Bonnier 2003).To find out if that is the case I have used a theory by Stuart Hall, his theory is about people and how they are represented in different types of media, like pictures and text. I studied it by using the method of image analysis where I investigated and interpreted the denotation and konnontation of the pictures. Through image analysis I have looked at, examined and interpreted pictures that shows people in rich or poor contexts. From that I discoverd that people does not depict stereotypicaly in the pictures, but i did find myself seeing that people are positivly and/or negatively depicted depending on who are shown in the picture. Ethnic minorities are underrepresented in this series of books. Pictures which are depicting ethnic minorities are only shown in a total of nine pictures. In the way that these books are presenting Swedes they are only showing one typ of Swede. That Swede is nearly always light-skinned and has either blond or brown hair. The diversity that exist in reality is not representet in these schoolbooks. These schoolbooks tend to present certain people more positively then others through the pictures they depict. When it comes to show the environment and people it is done by showing the swedish population living in wealth. Swedish people are seen consuming and producing commodities, you can also see a variety of technological machines ...

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Inactive member [2008-01-01]   Varför bor Luis i slummen? : En kvantitativ undersökning om hur folk framställs i en serie skolböcker
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