Djupströbädd -bra för miljö och djur?

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uppladdat: 2008-01-01
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Deep litter is a system for animals kept in separate stalls, loafing and bedding in wind shelters. The litter can consist of different bedding, like straw and peat. The system is allowed to build over and to ensure optimal proportions it is necessary to add new straw regularly and to have good conditions. Important conditions are aerobic state, humidity, amount of organic substance and acceptable temperatures in the litter. The micro organisms are depending on temperature for their living conditions and to get the bottom layer in the litter to start burning. When the burning has started the temperature increases. This help keeping the animals warm in buildings which are often not insulated. Deep liter is a good alternative for animals, because they can behave naturally. One down side of the system is that it has a bigger environmental impact than slatted floor. Ammonium is greatest concern, as it leeks to the air when mucking out and storing between mucking and distribution of the manure. When the concentration of ammonium increases it leaves into the air. This is also a risk when increase in temperature and pH occurs. As deep litter is commonly used in buildings with natural ventilation, there is a risk of leakage to the air. It is possible to minimize the leakage with good technology and distributing of the manure at the right time of the year. This examination considers sixteen cattle management systems using deep litter in the municipality of Halmstad, Sweden. They were randomly chosen and focus was put on how they care for their animals and deep litter. Questions about the animals and the condition of the litter were answered. These parameters were compared to each other in an attempt to see connections between the caring of the deep l...

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Inactive member [2008-01-01]   Djupströbädd -bra för miljö och djur?
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-06-02]

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