Mice and Men

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uppladdat: 2003-10-26
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It’s about 2 guys named Lennie and George.
Lennie is like a dumb kid, but he is big and strong. George is the “smart guy” of the two. He is shorter then Lennie.

Where the book starts they are on the run from the law, that’s because Lennie tried to feel a girls dress, she thougth that he was going to rape her, so she screamed and the police came and chased them.... they came away.

They went to another state and there they tried to get a new work. They got a job at a ranch. Lennie and George began their work, but the bosses son began to truble them.

Lennie liked soft things like mices and rabbits.

One day all workers went in to the town, All except Lennie.

The bosses sons wife started to talk whit him. She found him friendly. After a while she asked him to touch her hair... and so he did. But when she asked him to stop, he didn’t.
She began to scream and Lennie was forced to make her quiet, he held a hand in front of her mouth. She didn’t stop, so he started to shake her, and by mistake broke her neck.
After a while Candy came and found her dead, he knew that it was Lennie. He told the others and they grabbed their weapons and began to search for Lennie.

George knew that Lennie was in the “secret place”, the place there Lennie had to go if he did something bad.

He found Lennie, and he asked George: Are you mad whit me now?
George said: No..

Lennie asked George to tell him about the place that they were going to buy.
George said: “Look down there acrost the river, like you can allmost se the place”

What Lennie didn’t know was that George was pointing a gun at his head.
The search group closed in. George ...

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Inactive member [2003-10-26]   Mice and Men
Mimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=2336 [2024-04-26]

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