Welcome Mr Cancer

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uppladdat: 2003-11-12
Inactive member

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There comes a time in your life when you have to make a choice. Do you want to be a non-smoker, or do you want to be a smoker? The choice itself should be the simplest thing. I mean, would you really want to sacrifice your health, would you want your hands, your breath, your entire body to stink of repulsing smoke for the rest of your life?

Unfortunately the choice isn’t always that simple. In today’s society you have to make up your mind about this much too soon. Most of the time you’re not even able to see the consequences of your own actions. The only thing that matters is to be a part of the gang. To be someone, someone important. So what if you smoke a cigarette or two. You’re cool.
What teenagers do not realize is the damage of one single cigarette. Because you see, one cigarette practically never ends with one cigarette. One becomes two, two becomes three and so on. You have absolutely no idea of what the future might have in store for you. You never consider the fact that eight out of ten people with lung cancer are smokers. It doesn’t matter how many people that throws it in your face. You can’t get it in to your head. It’s all a game. You’re immortal, right?
A phrase you hear a lot of is: “Everyone else is doing it, so why can’t I do it?” That must be the most stupid thing any human being could say. But I do on the other hand understand the thought. At any rate, not just when it concerns smoking, you can feel envy. In this case, it’s most often about the gang. You think you’re missing out on so many things, just because you do not smoke. So instead of believing in yourself, you say: “Ah, what the hell, I’ll give it a shot”. Everyone else is doing it. So why shouldn’t you?

After having smoked those three harmless cigarettes, and the next 5000, you’re finally starting to realize the gravity of all this. You’re hooked. No matter how many times you try to persuade yourself that you can quit whenever you want to, you’re screwed. You are an addict. You smoke 20 cigarettes per day, and if you don’t get your good-morning-cigarette and after-lunch-cigarette, you might as well just sit down and whine. It’s time for anxiety.
At some point in your life you will probably get yourself a partner. Perhaps you will live together. What is your answer to your partner, when he/she wrinkles his/her nose and tells you, with a disgusted expression on his/her face, to go straight to the bathroom to wash your hands and brush your teeth, carefully. What can you say? You know you stink. And you know that no matter how many times you wash your hands and brush your teeth, you will have the same problem tomorrow, and the day after. What are you going to do?
The last stop. Your lungs start to hurt. You’re no longer quite yourself. This constant cough is getting on your nerves. What is this all about? You don’t understand. Still it doesn’t occur to you that you really have to stop smoking those damned cigarettes. Not until it’s too late. Welcome Mr Cancer. What took you so long?

So why DO you start smoking? What can possibly make you like the taste of these poisonous sticks? That sure beats me. All I know is that it most certainly isn’t worth it. Because I promise you, th...

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Inactive member [2003-11-12]   Welcome Mr Cancer
Mimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=2442 [2024-05-07]

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