Wizard´s First Rule

3030 visningar
uppladdat: 2003-12-28
Inactive member

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This is a Fantasy novel, which takes place in a world of magic and wonder. It is also a story of impossible love. Richard, a young man from Westland, a land without any magic, holds the key to the fate of the world. Together with his friends, Kahlan and Zedd, he goes out to save the world from an evil man who is trying to conquer it. He has only a slim chance to succeed - until he learns the Wizard’s First Rule.

This story has a gripping and entertaining plot with many unexpected twists. Seeing how it is Fantasy, and how that in itself can tell you very much about the ending, you do not know what will happen from one minute to the next. Those who have read books by David Eddings will find the writing style similar, but the story is very different. It has the same "easy-going" manner to it, but it is more advanced.

Even before you have read the first page, the plot has you captured. The excitement starts right at the beginning, and it will not let you go until the very end.

This is the first book in a series, but it could easily stand by itself. I think this is good for those who are not used to reading very long stories. They do not need to read more than one book, but if they really like it, they can continue on to the next.

The hero, Richard, is a very lovable person. What he cares most about is the truth, and even though it sometimes takes him a while to solve the mystery, he always seems to get the perfect solution for everyone involved. Not counting the villain of course. What has happened in the past does not matter to him, only what will happen in the future. By loving people for who they are, he has the reader cheering for him from day one.

The villain in this story may actually be too evil. Not to the extreme, but just enough so it may seem a little unrealistic. Some of the things he does, are just too horrible to be true.

The book contains quite a bit of violence and some scenes of torture.
I do not think, however, that it ever shows violence merely for violence´s sake, and the amount it contains is necessary for the plot. I would advise people who are sensitive about such things not to read this book.

I find this book very entertaining. I have read it twice, and it only became better the second time around. The first time I missed several details, which I later found out were hints to where the story was going. This made the second time all the more fun. Knowing that some books only become better the more you read them, really gave me encouragement to continue reading new books, as I hope it will for the pupils I will be teaching. One of the things I find less good is the fact that it is very long, about 800 pages. Using it in school, this may scare some pupils away, but it is much easier than it looks. It might even make them proud of themselves that they are able to read such a thick book in English.
The language is easy to understand, and even though you do not understand certain words, you can easily work around them. You do not always have to understand every single word to figure out the meaning of a sentence, or phrase. Most, if not all, pupils studying English B at upper secondary shool should be able to read it, if they are not frightened by a thick book.

Fantasy has become a very popular genre, but despite its increasing quality, it is still not acknowledged to the same extent as other genres. This would be a great opportunity for the st...

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Inactive member [2003-12-28]   Wizard´s First Rule
Mimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=2591 [2024-05-05]

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