Modeling Hydrostatic Transmission in Forest Vehicle

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uppladdat: 2006-01-01
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Hydrostatic transmission is used in many applications where high torque at low speed is demanded. For this project a forest vehicle is at focus. Komatsu Forest would like to have a model for the pressure in the hose between the hydraulic pump and the hydraulic motor. Pressure peaks can arise when the vehicle changes speed or hit a bump in the road, but if a good model is achieved some control action can be developed to reduce the pressure peaks.For simulation purposes a model has been developed in Matlab-Simulink. The aim has been to get the simulated values to agree as well as possible with the measured values of the pressure and also for the rotations of the pump and the motor.The greatest challenge has been due to the fact that the pressure is a sum of two flows, if one of these simulated flows is too big the pressure will tend to plus or minus infinity. Therefore it is necessary to develop models for the rotations of the pump and the motor that stabilize the simulated pressure.Different kinds of models and methods have been tested to achieve the present model. Physical modeling together with a black box model are used. The black box model is used to estimate the torque from the diesel engine. The probable torque from the ground has bee...

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Inactive member [2006-01-01]   Modeling Hydrostatic Transmission in Forest Vehicle
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-06-02]

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