Produktionsuppföljning på WilloMaskin AB

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uppladdat: 2007-01-01
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The purpose with this bachelor thesis is to identify risks and insufficiencies concerning the production at WilloMaskin AB. The project is limited to only 4 machines, where theories as “OEE” (overall equipment efficacy) should be illuminated and analyzed. The theory of “Single Minute Exchange of Die” is also presented.The method used in this project is mostly based on qualitative studies but also quantitative studies are presented. Information has been gathered from Willo Maskin ABs own calculations, the university library of Växjö and electronical sources. The studies have been made through observation and notes of the production process at the workplace. Routines have been checked and discussions with people involved in the process have been passed. The observation also included machine stand still measurement and OEE calculations. The measuring for each machine under a time period shows the lack in the production progress and the methods used. The results show that the machine adjustment is the part of the process that requires the most production time. Discussions with machine operators prove that a lot of them don’t know how to handle new machines. However, the machines work very efficient when they work. It takes short adjustments and further education of operators to increase the availability. The i...

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Inactive member [2007-01-01]   Produktionsuppföljning på WilloMaskin AB
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-05-12]

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