The future of television

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uppladdat: 2000-10-21
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The future of television

Television. Our ultimate friend in this corrupted world. It never says no. It never complains about headaches or any other ailments. Whenever you want to, you just press the button and it entertains you in almost any way you want it to. Picture yourself this: You come home from work. You’re tired, but you still want some “action”. Your wife is busy with putting your kids to bed and you know that she will fall asleep also any minute. What do you do? You put on your TV. Immediately it brings you into another world were you can be and do anything you want. You want some love? Watch the playboy-channel. Want some rough action with cars blowing up? Just check out some of the movie-channels. You’re sure to catch Van Damme flying through the air while kicking the sh*t out of three bad-guys at the same time.

And let’s not forget about comedy. Whatever channel you switch on you will with 99% chance be watching a sitcom. How many sitcoms are there really?

If we look at how big importance the TV has in the world today compared to forty years ago we see a big difference. Sure it was really exciting to watch a TV-show back then too, but we weren’t in to it as much as we are now. Just imagine what the world would be like if there wasn’t any television. What would we be doing all day? What I’m trying to explain is that since more and more people are living in sort of a fantasy world because of the TV, how will it be forty years from now? Will people sit and watch TV 24 hours a day? Or will the TV even exist anymore?

I think we will watch TV more and more. Today television develops so fast and in so many ways. There are new kinds of TV-shows and movies. There are always coming new technology to make your TV-watching better and more comfortable for you. If we start with the technology we got the widescreen-TV’s, digital-TV, DVD and who knows what else.

Since the technology develops all the time we’ll probably start looking at TV through some kind of gadget implanted in our head soon.

In television there are new kinds of shows appearing all the time. The latest thing are the documentary-soupoperas. Today in swedish television we got four different shows of this kind (Expidition Robinson, Villa Medusa, Baren, Big Brother) and there are more coming.

In these types of programs you get to follow the contestants for up to 24 hours a day, everywhere they go and do. You even get to see what they are doing in the bathroom!

So can we go any further than this? I mean when you get to see people doing their business in the lavatory, what can be more personal than that? Have we gone to far with television?

Personally I’m a little bit scared of the future in television. The ironic part of this story is that I watch these shows myself. I find them very amusing and interesting, but I still think it’s a lit...

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Inactive member [2000-10-21]   The future of television
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-05-10]

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