The Liveship Traders - Ship of Magic

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uppladdat: 2004-05-23
Inactive member

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In the Farseers world, somewhere below the Six Duchies on the notorious cursed shores, lies a prospering merchant city. The city, Bingtown, builds the best ships in the world from wizard wood, a three that comes to “life” after the death of three generations from the same family. These ships are said to be unable to catch for pirates, they can sail faster than the wind and they will always find their way through even the most dangerous passages. Another secret, kept hidden from the rest of the world is their ability to stand the acid flow of the Rain Wild river that leads to the city Trehaug, well hidden in the Rain Wilds. The people who live there are also traders, bound to the Bingtown families by blood, but their merchandise are something out of this world. From there you can get fire-jewels, amazing cloth that will shine like diamonds when you touch it, extraordinary spices and herbs, unlike anything else and of course wizard wood. All this is plundered from the Elderling city that is buried deep into the muck of the Rain Wilds but there is something more hidden there than just immeasurable wealth’s, something that is ready to wake up and change the course of time.
Soon the time will come for the Vestrit family and their liveship VIVACIA to wake up as the third generation of the Vestrit’s soon will die. Aboard the ship Althea Vestrit is waiting to be the next captain of the ship but when her father dies and the ship finally “wakes up” all her life is suddenly swept away. She is not to inherit the ship. Her sisters husband Kyle, a menacing Chalcedian man, gets the VIVACIA instead. Bitterly Althea accepts her faith but not for long. In a fight about the ship Kyle say’s that he will give her the ship if she proves to be worthy. That is to say, if another captain can give here a paper on her ability to run a ship. Steered by her hope of winning her ship back she sets out on a quest to get it back. But the task is proved to be more difficult than anybody ever could have imagined.
“Ship of Magic” is the first book in the trilogy about the LiveShip traders in Bingtown and it is one of the best fantasy books I’ve ever read. Robin Hobb manages to keep the book exiting all the time by making it unable to never tell what the next step is. You sit tensed while you read how the pirate Kennit captures the VIVACIA. You are furious while you read about the very immature girl Malta that all the time is longing for her father and just thinks about herself and you are absolutely hopelessy in love with Brashen Trell, the handsome young man that has been excluded from the traders. Overall the book is a true masterpiece, surpassed only by the Tolkien saga. It is a book that you long to read when you get home and that you take with you everywhere you go, always hoping for a chance to be able to read some more pages. The best about it is also that I don’t think that you have to be a fantasy-fan to read them and feel the same because the book has a way of binding you to it and there is not that much fantasy in it ...

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Inactive member [2004-05-23]   The Liveship Traders - Ship of Magic
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-04-29]

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