Den sportjournalistiska bloggens karaktär : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys

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uppladdat: 2008-01-01
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The aim of this paper is to describe the characteristics of the sport journalistic weblog. To achieve this we have used the following questions: Which themes are included in the sport journalistic weblog? How much text does the sport journalistic weblog content? How often is multimediality incorporated in the sport journalistic weblog? Which references occur in the sport journalistic weblog? How many hyperlinks occur in the sport journalistic weblog? How many of the hyperlinks is internal respective external? How often does the sport journalistic weblog offers possibilities to interaction between the journalist and the reader? How often does interaction between the journalist and the reader occur?The theories we have used is both online publishing and Jan Schmidt’s analytical framework on blogs. Online publishing describes an important part in our paper, online journalism, which in turn describes three important definitions for this paper; hypertextuality, multimediality and interactivity. Jan Schmidt’s theory is central to understand the phenomena, and functions as a starting point in the analyze part. The method that we have used is a quantitative content analysis with a descriptive approach. This paper consists mostly of reliable sources, with only a few exceptions which we have constrained in our work. This means almost all sources are science material.The conclusion of this paper is as follows:The most appeared theme in the sport journalistic weblog is athlete, followed by the official fact theme, and from then on the private life theme. The general conclusion about the first question is that the most common theme is the athlete theme. Text is counted as words, and the sport journalistic weblog contents 177 words (related to its mean value). But note that the variation in words is quite large in different weblogs. Multimediality is almost exclusively excluded in the material, only pictures appear in some degree in the weblogs. The most common reference in the sport journalistic weblog is the journalist’s personal experience and references of complete or parts of quotes and interviews. 227 hyperlinks appeared in the sport journalistic weblog, where 215 was internal and 12 external. Another conclusion in this paper is that there’s always an opportunity for interaction between the journalist and the reader. Indeed this possibility creates chances of interact...

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Inactive member [2008-01-01]   Den sportjournalistiska bloggens karaktär : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-06-01]

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