
4580 visningar
uppladdat: 2004-05-23
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As we all may know, Marian Keyes is right now one of the most successful writers within the subject of life. She has earlier written bestsellers like Lucy Sullivan is Getting Married, Las Chance Saloon, Watermelon, Rachel’s Holiday and Sushi for Beginners. Among many, she has become a household name. Her self-biography Under the Duvet was just released and another book she’s working on right now is yet to come. Her books are now published in 35 countries, translated into many different languages.
I myself have read many of her books and think that, even though some details are similar, there are always new things, expressions and feelings in every book. The stories are hilarious and the characters are just about the same. I think you may say that her books are a little bit brainless, but that’s fine by me since I hate detective novels where you have to think a lot. Her books are easy to read and you don’t ever feel that it takes forever. I often laughed out loud when reading one of her books and scared my parents. They thought I’d completely lost it.

The main character in Angels is a woman in her thirties called Margaret Walsh. Maggie has a loving Irish family with four sisters that could get on her nerves now and then. This year has been hard on Maggie. Her marriage is falling apart, she´s just lost her job, at home in Dublin her parents are a pain in her back and there it rains all the time. After a nervous breakdown, Maggie decides to take her best friend Emily up on an offer to visit her in sunny Los Angeles. Emily went to Los Angeles years ago to be a screenwriter; her first movie sold, but was never produced, and now Emily´s barely holding on.
So Maggie slouches rather numbly into the City of Angels. She´s promptly tanned, trimmed, tweezed, massaged and fed several Complicated Martinis. Helping Emily cope with the starving-writer blues distracts her somewhat from her own misery. Freed from gloomy Dublin and her family´s view of her as the good-one-who’d-never-leave-her-husband-and-flee-to-the-drug-and-earthquake-City-of-Angels, Maggie decides it´s time to try "wild girl" for once. She meets a hot young director who seems to somewhat catch her attention and she flirts with a lesbian friend of Emily´s. She makes inadvisable clothing purchases, eventual returns, and accompanies Emily to Hollywood studios for desperate screenplay pitches.
Even though this sounds pretty superficial, there are deeper things in it. Maggie tells us about why her and her husband’s marriage didn’t work out and how she’d lost her job. Plus, there are issues with her and her first boyfriend. They say that the first cut is the deepest, and I actually think it’s true in Maggie’s case. She never truly got over him.
The ending is pretty happy anyway, as Maggie is freed from her demons and her failed marriage is starting to get on the good track again.

As said above, the book is 481 pages long, but it didn’t at all feel it when reading. I didn’t ever want it to end because I liked it so much, it would have been fine if it just kept going on and on and… on.
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  • Inactive member 2005-04-25

    jag läste boken på svenska och


Inactive member [2004-05-23]   Angels
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-04-29]

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