...not one indigenous family was not affected by the forcible removals. Which were the reasons behind the removal of Aboriginal children?

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uppladdat: 2006-01-01
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The purpose of this essay was to investigate why the Australian government, up until the early 1970s, decided to remove Aboriginal children from their families and to determine if this practice was more generally accepted by Western society. My main questions were: which were the reasons the Australian government chose to remove Aboriginal children from their families and which were the reasons for removing children from their families in Sweden at this time. With the answers to these questions in mind, I hope to be able to conclude whether or not the actions taken were more generally accepted. To aid in my study, I have read literature about the aborigines and about Swedish welfare and childcare. I found that one reason why Aboriginal children were removed was to assimilate them, as an outside group, into the established group and the Western society. It was found that since it is easiest to teach children new habits, most actions taken concerned them. Removing children from families was a way of removing children from environments that were not good for ...

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Inactive member [2006-01-01]   ...not one indigenous family was not affected by the forcible removals. Which were the reasons behind the removal of Aboriginal children?
Mimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=33012 [2024-04-28]

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