The American Revolution

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uppladdat: 2005-03-23
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At the seventeenth century the Europeans sat down in their little houses on the country. They were poor, they starved and freeze. Then they heard about a land far far away which was called America. Rumours said that you could find gold and get chance to start a new life and be rich. Therefore many Europeans moved to the land that later became USA.

America became colonised, but there were no one to rule the country. They didn’t have a king or president or parliament. The people lived for themselves out on the country.

At the same time in Europe the nations wanted to explore every part of the world. Great nations like United Kingdom wanted to own as many parts in the world as possible. And the colonies in didnt´t have a goverment so Great Britain was very interested to take control of North America. And so was France. This conflict leads to war between France and Great Britain. A war that would last for seven years.

During the war Great Britain protected the colonists because they wanted to control them so that they could use them later on in the future.
Great Britain defeated France and took control over North America.

They divided North America to 13 different colonies. Each colony had a governor who was controled of the brittish parlament.

Great Britain used the American colonies who was forces to only buy everything that they needed from Brittish salesmen and ships, and customs and taxes was introduced.
But the colonies wanted to be independent, and not be controled by Great Britain. The colonies wasn’t allowed to rule their own country.

It all ended up with that the colonies stopped buy things from Britain. All the colonies was upset and wanted to have a more democratic society. After many upset years Britain decided to spoil the taxes and customs on everything, exept tea. Just to show who was the boss.

This decission led to the Boston tea party in 1773. A couple of colonists sneaked on to three brittish ships, in Bostons harbour, fulloaded with tea. They throwed the tea abroad and later on refused to pay for it.
This was a great punsch in towards Britain, but it got worse when the colonie Massachusetts put up their own government. That was to much for Great Britain. They got very angry and the American Revolution begun.

On the 4th of July 1776 people from the thirteen colinies had a meeting where they declared the colinies freedom, as the United States of America. Thats why the 4th of July is Americas nationalday. The independence day.

The colonists leader in the war was the farmer George Washington, that later became Americas first president.
The Revolution was the longest and most terrible war of the ten war that America has fought in. The Brittish troops were a many lot more than their opponents, and they had much better equipment. But it was hard for them ...

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Inactive member [2005-03-23]   The American Revolution
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-04-28]

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