Sleeping Beauty

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uppladdat: 2005-04-14
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The sleeping beauty, whit a twist.
This story is called the sleeping beauty
But cover your ears kids, becouse it’s no a quite.

A king and a queen
Lived in a castle green.
They had no dog, they had no kid
Becouse the king had put on a lid.
But one day a princess came
Sleeping beauty was her name.
On her christening-day
All the twelve fairis crossed the castle way.
But the thirteenth fariy didn’t came
The king and the queen didn’t want her in the game.
She became a real b*tch
And showed her real face, a witch.
A spell she put on the chick
When she gets fifthen she’ll die very quick.
The twelfth fairy had not yet given her gift.
She said, whit a yaw tierd from her nightshift:
”Little child, you’re not going to pass away
you’re just going to sleep for a while, but you’re going to stay.”
The fairy was really smart.
And she was world champion in dart.

In the castle they was playing a game,
“hide-and-seek” was the name.
Sleeping beauty hide in a little room,
You all know that now she is doom.
A crazy old woman spining a wheel
Ans it soundet like a seal.
“Touch it my dear, it’s nice i can tell”
“Okey. ”the princess said, oh no! Remember the spell!
A bloody drop, the castle asleep
Even the cook down deep.
A hundred years later
The moat was filled whit Aligators.
A handsome prince was walking Buy
Maybe you’re woundering Why
He was seeking for Luck
But something crossed his eyes, a sleeping duck.
“Oh, my fourth sens e tells me something is wrong
I can fell it very strong”
He went through the roses
But the made way like as if he was Moses.
He notes that everyone was sleeping
But he whent on, seeking...

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Inactive member [2005-04-14]   Sleeping Beauty
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