Secure Software and Communication on Handheld Devices

766 visningar
uppladdat: 2007-01-01
Inactive member

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Some applications on mobile handheld devices are involved in exchanging critical information e. g. sending positioning data of heavy-good vehicles as a basis for road toll. This information must not be accessed or modified illegitimately; however, there is the risk that can be accessed or modified by modifying the application or during communication of the handheld device with its counterpart. This thesis report investigates concepts to shelter software from modification and how the communication of these applications running on a handheld device over public mobile network can be made more secure. This work was performed by carefully identifying relevant literature and developing the concept that how a smart card can enhance the security of the software running on it particularly for handheld devices. It also discusses the issues and threats to smart cards. Furthermore it proposes a solution based on the specified scenario. The security of the software comprises on two layers; one layer is for analysis prevention, making it hard to understand the behaviour of the program both at static and dynamic levels. The other layer is responsible for verifying the integrity of the software to ensure that it is not modified. The software is installed on smart card which acts as an extra security layer. The communication relies on the security features of the public mobile network with some enhancement. In order to shelter the communication via public Internet, a border based VPN solution is deployed between the public mobil...

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Inactive member [2007-01-01]   Secure Software and Communication on Handheld Devices
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-05-18]

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