A stunt from the movie Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

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uppladdat: 2005-05-11
Inactive member

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Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid are stuck on a cliff with a river at the bottom. They have no were to go becuase they are chased by a sheriff and some other guys. The only way for them to escape is to jump from the cliff into the river. They decide to jump and you can see them take a step back, then run forward and jump. They’re falling and then hiting the water. That is what you see, but what you don’ know is that they only fall a couple of meters and then land on a cliff shelf. The rest of the way you see two stuntmen who falls down and hits the water. In the next scen you can see the real actors again.

I know how this stunt was made beacuse my father told me and he had read it in a magazine. If I hadn’t knew how it was made I had thought it was made in the way I described above. Beacuse when they fall you don’t get to see them in close-up and you can’t tell if it is the real actors or if it is stuntmen...

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Inactive member [2005-05-11]   A stunt from the movie Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Mimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=4257 [2024-04-28]

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