Kommunikation med hjälp av mock-uper

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uppladdat: 2003-01-01
Inactive member

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In several cases, systems that have been developed have been very time consuming and cost a lot of money, but they still do not fulfil the users requirements and requests. To make new systems better, you have to find a way to communicate that allows the developers to understand the needs of the user. The aim for our thesis is to highlight the importance of communication in system development. To investigate this we have choosen to do a study of the real-estate system. The work methods that have been used include mock-ups and informal conversations with the user, who is employed by the Church of Sweden in Ronneby. The purpose of this thesis is, among other things, to provide the Church of Sweden in Ronneby with a report, which can be of help for further development of the system. The system was developed by a work group at Blekinge Institute of Technology. Our question of issue is: Would the Church of Sweden in Ronneby obtain a more useful system if the developers applied the guidelines and experience that exists within the area of HCI? Further more we have looked in to if the communication has improved with the use of mock-ups to increase the interaction? Human-computer interaction as a term was adopted in the mid-1980s as a means of describing this new field of study. The focus of interest described the new way of looking at the interaction between computers and people. In this field it is important to involve the user in the developing process from the beginning to the end. Together with the user, we have made some propositions based on previous documentation from the project. Mock-ups are a prototype of paper that shows the user what the system will look like. This method was applied together with the user, to find a more logical structure for the system. After gathering the result of the case study, we can honestly say that communication do increase because of mock-ups. Good communication is not something that you can learn from books; you have to a...

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Inactive member [2003-01-01]   Kommunikation med hjälp av mock-uper
Mimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=46757 [2024-06-17]

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