Key variables to increase loyalty in the publishing business

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uppladdat: 2006-01-01
Inactive member

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Introduction: This thesis concerns the loyalty variables within the publishing industry. The author has chosen to investigate the following publishing companies: Albert Bonniers, Norstedts, Ordupplaget and Leopard Publishing by using a Network perspective as well as a Transactional and Relationship marketing perspective.Aim/purpose: The purpose of this essay is to analyse important variables to create author loyalty.Methodology: Data was collected through a total of 18 interviews that were conducted face to face or via telephone with authors and their respective publisher. A gap analysis was then conducted in order to see if any discrepancies existed between what authors valued and what their publisher’s thought they valued.Results: The research shows that gaps were bigger and more frequent in big traditional publishing companies. As a result, author’s loyalty level was also lower. Authors with Albert Bonnier demonstrated a low level of loyalty, there is a high level of dissatisfaction and most authors would change to another company if offered a higher compensation. Norstedts authors also show a significant level of dissatisfaction, however, they would only consider changing companies if the new publisher also offered “traditional” publishing company values, such as good reading, credibility, and a stable company.Authors with small publishing companies demonstrated a high level of loyalty; this could be due to the non-existing gaps between publishers and their authors. There is a high level of agreement on goals and authors’ satisfaction level is very high. Authors would not consider changing publisher and companies unless their existing company showed a low level of interest in their new script.Conclusions: The author of this thesis concludes that all authors seem to value involvement and interest from their publisher more than money. The crucial part seems to be that publishers show a genuine interest in their authors’ scripts and dedicate time to authors and their personal development. Publishers in small companies seem to live up to their author’s expectations, publishers in traditional publishing compani...

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Inactive member [2006-01-01]   Key variables to increase loyalty in the publishing business
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-05-06]

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