Verifikation av verktyget aspect analyzer

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uppladdat: 2003-01-01
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Rising complexity in the development of real-time systems has made it crucial to have reusable components and a more flexible way of configuring these components into a coherent system. Aspect-oriented system development (AOSD) is a technique that allows one to put a system’s crosscutting concerns into"modules"that are called aspects. Applying AOSD in real-time and embedded system development one can expect reductions in the complexity of the system design and development. A problem with AOSD in its current form is that it does not support predictability in the time domain. Hence, in order to use AOSD in real-time system development, we need to provide ways of analyzing temporal behavior of aspects, components and resulting system (made from weaving aspects and components). Aspect analyzer is a tool that computes the worst-case execution time (WCET) for a set of components and aspects, thus, enabling support for predictability in the time domain of aspect-oriented real-time software. A limitation of the aspect analyzer, until now, were that no verification had been made whether the aspect analyzer would produce WCET values that were close to the measured or computed (with another WCET analysis technique) WCET of an aspect-oriented real-time system. Therefore, in this thesis we perform a verification of the correctness of the aspect analyzer using a number of different methods for WCET analysis. These investigations of the correctness of the output from the aspect analyzer gave confidence to the automated WCET analysis. In addition, performing this verification led to the identificati...

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Inactive member [2003-01-01]   Verifikation av verktyget aspect analyzer
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-06-14]

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