Fiji - an englishspeaking country

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uppladdat: 2001-04-22
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AFTER VISITS from a Dutch navigator in 1643 and Capt. James Cook in 1774, Fiji was settled by Europeans in 1804. The British annexed Fiji´s 320 islands in 1874, and they remained under British rule until gaining independence in 1970. A 1987 coup led by native army officers ousted an Indian-dominated government and temporarily withdrew Fiji from the Commonwealth of former British colonies. A 1990 constitution guarantees indigenous Fijians political domination over the Indians who were brought to Fiji in the 19th century as indentured laborers. Fiji´s economy relies on sugar cane, tropical fruits, cotton and ginger, as well as gold and fishing. Unspoiled beaches make it a popular tourist destination

Languages English (official), Fijian, Hindustani
Major Religions Christian 52% (Methodist 37%, Roman Catholic 9%), Hindu 38%, Muslim 8%, other 2%
Ethnic groups Fijian 49%, Indian 46%, European, other Pacific Islanders, overseas Chinese, and other 5%

Befolkning: Totalt 800´ (1996), Melanesier(46%), Indier(48%)
Förhistoria (- 1850)
Öarna bebos av melanesier när Abel Tasman upptäcker dom 1643. Under 1700t besöks dom av andra sjöfarare. Under första hälften av 1800t utkämpas blodiga krig mellan olika melanesiska stammar. En del europeiska handelsmän, missionärer och skeppsbrutna sjömän bosätter sig på öarna. Från öarna exporteras sandelträ och sjögurkor till Kina.
Amerikanska tiden (1850 - 1874)
Det amerikanska inflytandet ökar kraftigt ca 1850. En ledande stamhövding erbjuder öarna till Storbritannien 1858, för att minska det amerikanska inflytandet. Britterna accepterar dock erbjudandet först 1874.
Brittiska tiden (1874 - 1970)
Landet blir brittisk kronkoloni 1874. Investeringar i sockerrörsplantager görs, och en omfattande import av arbetskraft från Brittiska Indien sker mellan 1879 och 1916. Landet får inre självstyre 1966.
Nutid (1970 -)

Landet blir självständigt inom samväldet 1970, och en demokratisk författning införs. Landet styrs av företrädare för de etniska fijierna och britterna. Vid val 1987 vinner indierna makten, vilket leder till ett par militärkupper, och Fiji blir en republik samma år. Presscencur och förbud mot politisk verksamhet införs. Samtidigt inleds en diskriminering av den indiska majoriteten, vilket leder till att många indier emigrerar. Från 1990t har viss politisk aktivitet inletts, och en författning som garanterar fortsatt fijinskt jordägande utarbetas.
he Fiji islands

Fiji is a republic in the southern Pacific Ocean. Fiji comprises 332 islands
and islets, but only 110 of them are inhabited.

Location: Southern Pacific Ocean, Melanesia, 2,500 km north of New Zealand
in the south Pacific Ocean.

Area: 18,274 km2
Climate: tropical marine, only slight seasonal temperature variation.
Average temperature is 25øC
Terrain: Mostly mountains of volcanic origin

Natural resources: timber, fish , gold , copper, oil, sugar, molasses

The largest and most important islands are Viti Levu and Vanua Levu, which
together comprise more than 85% of the total land area. Viti Levu has most
mountains and the highest peak, Mount Tomaniivi (1323 m).

Population: 765.000

Ethnic divisions: Fijian 49%, Indian 46%, European, other Pacific Islanders,
Chinese, and other 5%
Religions: Christian 52%, Hindu 38%, Muslim 8%, other 2%.
(Fijians are mainly Christian, Indians are Hindu, and there is a Muslim
Languages: English (official), Fijian, Hindustani
Literacy: 86% of the total population over 15 year can read and write

Principal crops are coconuts, sugarcane, ginger, rice, cacao, coffee, corn,
bananas, sweet potatoes, kava, taro, beans, pumpkins, pineapples and
tobacco. The livestock of Fiji is 159 000 cattle, 60 000 goats and 29 000
Pigs. The industrial include sawmills, sugar, coconut oil, tuna, rice, copra
dryers, pineapple factories, dairies, slaughterhouses and biscuit and tea
factories. The Fiji has also a well-developed handicraft industry. They are
making mats, baskets, fishing nets, and pottery. They are also skilled
carpenters, boatbuilders, farmers, and fishers. Tourism´s is a big source of
Currency: 1 Fiji dollar (F$) = 100 cents

164 The Fiji islands were sighted by the Dutch navigator Abel Janszoon Tasman.

1774 The turtle islands was discovery by the British navigator Captain James

1840 USA did the first complete survey of the islands.

1874 The Fiji islands were unconditionally ceded to Great Britain by the
Fijian king Thakombau.

1881 The Routoma become a colony.

1939-45 During the World War II Fiji became an important Allied supply
station and lot of air and naval installations were constructed here.
1970 Fiji became an independent state and a member of United Nations
1987 Lieutenant Colonel Rabuka become president after a military coup.
1992 Rabuka was elected prime minister, and was reelected 1994.

Suva is the capital of Fiji. Suva is placed on Fijiïs biggest island Viti
Levu. Fijiïs chief seaport is in Suva.

Fiji is a republic in the southern Pacific Ocean. Fiji comprises 332 islands and islets, but only 110 of them are inhabited. The Fiji islands is located in the Southern Pacific Ocean, Melanesia, 2,500 km north of New Zealand in the south Pacific Ocean. It has an area of 18,274 km2 and the climate is tropical marine, only slight seasonal temperature variation. Average temperature is 25C. The terrain on the Fiji islands is mostly mountains of volcanic origin. The Fiji islands has also a lot of natural resources like timber, fish , gold , copper, oil, sugar, molasses. The largest and most important islands are Viti Levu and Vanua Levu, which together comprise more than 85% of the total land area. Viti Levu has most mountains and the highest peak, Mount Tomaniivi (1323 m). There is people on those island about 765.000 peoples. The ethnic nationality is divided like this: Fijian 49%, Indian 46%, European, other Pacific Islanders, Chinese, and other 5%, and the religions is divided like this: Christian 52%, Hindu 38%, Muslim 8%, other 2%, (Fijians are mainly Christian, Indians are Hindu, and there is a Muslim minority). The inhabitants speaks english because it´s the official language, but they also speak fijian and hindustani. 86% of the total population over 15 year can read and write, and that´s pretty good I think. Economy Principal crops are coconuts, sugarcane, ginger, rice, cacao, coffee, corn, bananas, sweet potatoes, kava, taro, beans, pumpkins, pineapples and tobacco. The livestock of Fiji is 159 000 cattle, 60 000 goats and 29 000 pigs. The industrial include sawmills, sugar, coconut oil, tuna, rice, copra dryers, pineapple factories, dairies, slaughterhouses and biscuit and tea factories. The Fiji has also a well-developed handicraft industry. They are making mats, baskets, fishing nets, and pottery. They are also skilled carpenters, boatbuilders, farmers, and fishers. Tourism´s is a big source of income. The official currency is 1 Fiji dollar (F$) = 100 cents.Fiji islands has a lot of history, 1643 The Fiji islands were sighted by the Dutch navigator Abel Janszoon Tasman. 1774 The turtle islands was discovery by the British navigator Captain James Cook. 1840 USA did the first complete survey of the islands. 1874 The Fiji islands were unconditionally ceded to Great Britain by the Fijian king Thakombau. 1881 The Routoma become a colony. 1939-45 During the World War II Fiji became an important Allied supply station and lot of air and naval installations were constructed here. 1970 Fiji became an independent state and a member of United Nations 1987 Lieutenant Colonel Rabuka become president after a military coup.1992 Rabuka was elected prime minister, and was reelected 1994. Suva is the capital of Fiji. Suva is placed on Fijiïs biggest island Viti Levu. Fijiïs chief seaport is in Suva.

I chosed to work about the Fiji islands because that I found some info about those islands, and they seemed to be very interesting.
But it was a bad decision, because it was very hard to find information about Fiji, mostly of my searches was linked to sites with vacation pics.
I only got one page with information about the Fiji islands. It was also hard to put this work together, because it was very much different
information about the same thing, so I had to look for more info about the same thing to what´s most credible. But at least I found some and put it all together in this work you just gonna read.
The work went on kind of good, it took a while to find info, and I didn´t use my time totally for this work. But this is what I got for this work so I hope this is enough, and I don´t know what to write here so I quit here instead of writing a lot of things to fill this paper.

The Fiji islands

Fiji is a republic in the southern Pacific Ocean. Fiji comprises 332 islands and islets, but only 110 of them are inhabited.


Location: Southern Pacific Ocean, Melanesia, 2,500 km north of New Zealand in the south Pacific Ocean.

Area: 18,274 km2

Climate: tropical marine, only slight seasonal temperature variation. Average temperature is 25°C

Terrain: Mostly mountains of volcanic origin

Natural resources: timber, fish , gold , copper, oil, sugar, molasses

The largest and most important islands are Viti Levu and Vanua Levu, which together comprise more than 85% of the total land area. Viti Levu has most mountains and the highest peak, Mount Tomaniivi (1323 m).


Population: 765.000

Ethnic divisions: Fijian 49%, Indian 46%, European, other Pacific Islanders, Chinese, and other 5%

Religions: Christian 52%, Hindu 38%, Muslim 8%, other 2%.
(Fijians are mainly Christian, Indians are Hindu, and there is a Muslim minority.

Languages: English (official), Fijian, Hindustani

Literacy: 86% of the total population over 15 year can read and write


Principal crops are coconuts, sugarcane, ginger, rice, cacao, coffee, corn, bananas, sweet potatoes, kava, taro, beans, pumpkins, pineapples and tobacco. The livestock of Fiji is 159 000 cattle, 60 000 goats and 29 000 pigs. The industrial include sawmills, sugar, coconut oil, tuna, rice, copra dryers, pineapple factories, dairies, slaughterhouses and biscuit and tea factories. The Fiji has also a well-developed handicra...

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Inactive member [2001-04-22]   Fiji - an englishspeaking country
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