CRM in 3G Telecom - The Customised Point of Contact

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uppladdat: 2001-01-01
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We have studied CRM in a service provider's perspective on behalf of Ericsson Microwave Systems AB. The question at issue we decided to investigate is 'How should a service provider set up a point of contact in order to manage customer relations in the 3G mobile Internet?' To reach a conclusion we have conducted a qualitative study including literature survey and three interviews. This thesis is a design proposal for how to set up an Internet based point of contact in order to manage customer relations in the 3G mobile Internet. In order to get a base of knowledge about customer service we have studied one-to-one customer interaction, Customer Relationship Management [CRM], and contact centers. We have also looked at the telecom business and it's particular value chain. The service provider is becoming a provider of subscriptions containing services. In order to provide e.g. network access for the subscribers the service provider must form an alliance with a network operator. This alliance can also be increased with other suppliers of whatever services that adds value to the subscriber. When the service provider forms this value chain, it is the requirements / demands and needs of the subscriber that sets the framework of what to include. The point of contact can be seen as processes that help the subscriber manage her subscription. The processes we have identified as the core processes in the point of contact are sales, order handling, problem handling, and invoicing and collections. With 3G the services will become more complex not only because of the technological possibilities, but also because the service providers will build alliances with the most suitable partners. That implies co-operation on an organisational level when the subscriber has a complaint regarding her subscription. The service provider should provide multiple channels for interaction with their subscribers. The subscriber should then be able to adapt the content in these channels to suite her own personal preferences. The p...

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Inactive member [2001-01-01]   CRM in 3G Telecom - The Customised Point of Contact
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-06-13]

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