Reflektion: The Outsiders

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uppladdat: 2006-03-02
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I really think this was a great book. I think the author wants to show how hard life can be and that we´re ignoring all the problems thats occur in our society. I think that the author wants to show how real friendship should be and how it is. She shows problems in different families, and how we fights for what we belives in, even if you sometimes gets frightend up and are running away from your problems, which really isn´t the best solution.
When I read this book I thougt about that you stand by one''''s friends, that they fights for what they belives in, and a lot of family problems. Something that really appears in this book is love.

I really think this book was worth reading, you get a great insight about how it could be. I mean that it shows how life can be in these different situations and how you can do to avoid a lot of these situations. It´s showes you a lot of real situations that really appears nowadays. Like drinking problems in the families, parents beating you up and a lot of crime with these youths.
I think that the crimes have to do with that they feel failed in our society, they feel that the grown-ups have let them down. The grown-ups let them do whatever they want to do and are throwing them out, when you get thrown out from your own home, you really feel sad and everything feels hopeless. I understands why Johnny wanted to run away from everything, and everyone, I really do. Why stay when no one want´s you to be there, when your parents have shown you where you stands for them?
But something I have experienced is that it isn´t solving any problems by running away from all the problems, everything just get worser when people finds you or when you get back.
Most of the times it´s happening bad stuff when you do these things, have exampels from the book, the church is burning down and Johnny died due to he and Pony had to save the children which was inside the church when it was om fire.
Sure, Johnny didn´t died immediatly, he was suffering at the hospital, but I think that have to be worser. I think that Johnny and Pony was really brave when they saved the children from the burning church, it needs a lot of curage to do that.

I have expeienced many things in real life which stands in this book, you maybe notice on my way to see at things?
I think it was strange that the cops didn´t searched for them when Johnny and Pony runned away. When people runnes away many of them doesn´t kill someone, but there is cops everywere looking for them. That would say that if you wants to run away, you have to murder someone so you don´t get caught. That isn´t so realistic, or is it?
That is one of the things I thougt was strange about the book.
In the book it isn´t happening in Sweden either, maybe it´s different in the U.S.?

The things I liked about this book was that it touched me, I couldn´t lay down the book in some of the situations when things happend in the book.
In some of the situations I really felt for one of the characters, I have an ability to live into the book like it´s the real world, Pony is a bit like that to.
Many things happend in the book to the characters, but they tried to be happy and having fun, they had each other after all.
But as many people thinks, friends are everything, the real one´s helps you out from bad situations.
It was always oscillating between happiness and sadness, in one moment they where happy, next they was crying.

I began to like the book in the beginning becuse I like when books start with that you jump into it, then it isn´t so boring in the beginning.
I like when the characters seems real and that the things which happend, could happening in real life.
I think many people would say that it can´t happen in the real world, I think it can happen, I don´t hope that it can, but I think it do.
Maybe becuse I have been trough many things, maybe becuse we live in a world which seems to be kind of hopeless in many situations.
You can see how people are suffering, but you are ignoring all the things becuse you think thats it´s hard for you! Things like this makes me real mad becuse, why should you suffer becuse you thinks it´s terrible, it´s the people who suffers that should be sad, even if many of them aren´t, not you!
I don´t think it´s a big change that all these things are happening to one person, but some of these things can happening to one person and the rest of them to one other.

One thing I didn´t like about the book was that it sometimes could be a bit tedious. The author was repeating everything all the time, you read something and understood it, then she was nagging about everything and it just kept going on and on.
She was ”saying” to mutch in the same time so it wasn´t exiting in one way to read the book.
But that is how I feel for the book, someone else would maybe like to read a book which is written in this way.
This is a book I can recommend to someone who have a bit harder to understand situations in books, not someone who reads a lot. When you reads a lot, it´s easy for you to understand what´s happening and you doesn´t have to read mutch of the text to understand.
I don´t think a person who likes a book to be a bit difficult to read, should read this, like I said, it´s a bit tedious.

One thing that I thought was intresting in this book was the way Pony and Randy got alonged, they were like friends in one way and enemies in a different. Why couldn´t they just gather everybody, so everyone could talk to each other and give the other gang their opinion about everything, what they do wrong and right and what you can change, then it didn´t had to be so many fights.
I can´t say that everything is ”the socs” fault either, I have just heard ”the greasers” opinion about the situation, it´s never one´s fault either.
I think that Pony does have the guts to collect everyone to a meeting, I don´t know if Randy have the guts, but I use to say that you have to work hard if you want to see results.
This is my thought about one intresting thing which can be changed in this story, even if I don´t want to change it, then it wouldn´t ended in the same way.
Sure, I don´t think that everyone are going to listening to Pony, but I think many of them are going to give it a change.
I doesn´t understand why they didn´t think about something like this.

Like I said before, this book really touched me. It was a lot of hard times and when I read about things like this I really starts to wonder about how it is.
It´s really hard for many people in different ways.
Johnny got beaten up by his father and his mother was ignoring him, or was yelling at him.
I think that Johnny had an tough growth, with abusing parents, maybe his parents was feeling that they had failded in everything and used one sort of drugs, in this case alcohol, like one sort of selfe medication.
They was abusing their power until it was getting to far by beating him up.
I think that Johnnys fathers abusing problems had gotten so far that he couldn´t handel him selfe. I think his mother was feeling so lousie and depressed that she forgot that Johnny was her son, she just noticed that when he was lying in is bed, dying.
I think that his mother was regeting everything when Johnny was on the hospital.

Pony was ignoring the facts that Darry loved him and thought that everything was a living hell at the Earth. His parents was or are dead to.
This is examples from two of them, but this was long from their reality.
In Ponys case I can also understand why he was feeling so terrible, he just lost his parents and he felt betrayed by rest of the world. Darry was loving and caring for Pony so mutch that Pony felt like Darry was hating him. I can understand why Darry was on a distance, he didn´t wanted to lose his brothers. I think that it was good that Pony noticed that Darry loved him in the end of the book. I think that Pony was mad at Darry to becuse Darry didn´t cry at their parents funeral.

One thing which can make everything worser was this war between ”the greasers” and ”the Socs”, they was always afraid and couldn´t live a free life, couldn´t walk outside alone.
This can also be one thing which make the life mutch harder.

”Don´t remember how johnny was your buddy, don´t remember that he didn´t want to die. Don´t think of Dally breaking up in the hospital, crumpling under the street light. Try to think that Johnny is better of now, try to remember that Dally would have ended up like that sooner or later. Best of all, don´t think. Blank your mind. Don´t remember. Don´t remember.” P. 190

This part in the end of the book I really liked, it´s sad, it´s showing that Pony really loved his friends, this reaction shows thats he mourns Johnny and Dally. When you´re mourning someone you tries to deny everything, it´s appering most of the times when you lost someone.
Pony doesn´t want to think about what´s happend and doesn´t want to remember, when you remember you get depressed and when you get depressed you don´t know what to do and you get paniced.
He wants to forget about everything and later in the book he shows a lot of aggressiveness.
You have to blame someone and most of the times you have to blame your enemies and give them all the guilt.

”Soda fought for fun, Steve for hatred, Darry for pride, and two-Bit for conformity. Why do I fight? I thought, and I couldn´t think of any real good reason. There isn´t any real good reason for fighting except selfe-defense.” P. 166

I think that this was a really intresting thing, everybody have a reason to fight. But does you come far with these so called ”reasons”. I don´t think they have any good reasons.
First is it really fun to fight? You hurt people and in bad cases people can really get killed!
Sometimes yourselfe!
And why fight for hatred? Do something else, don´t let...

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