The earth destiny is in our hands

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2051 visningar
uppladdat: 2009-04-07
Inactive member

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“The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air.
Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it.”
(Lord of the Rings, 2001)

Floods, glaciers that are disappearing, tornadoes, warmer climate, disapperance of lakes, extinction of animals – everything is a common cry for help from mother nature. Now we have to open our eyes and realize what’s actually happening to our beloved planet. We have already defeated the problem with the ozone layer so why should we not be able to cope with another problem? Let us save humanity and avoid a premature demise. It’s now or never!

I think this phenomenon is a serious problem, since I’ve already begun to notice its effects in my environment. The Swedish winters have become warmer, the winter season a little shorter and the water level has changed to a certain extent. The things that I’ve started to notice don’t affect my every day life. The reason for this could be that I live in the northern part of Sweden, where the environment hasn’t yet been affected by the climate changes to such an extent that I’m influenced by it. However, this problem is something you pay attention to anyway.

I’ve been pondering for a while about what I, or really anyone, could do to contribute to a better climate. It stroke me that there are actually a lot of different things that I could do. I’ve made a comprehensive list so you could more easily see my thoughts as to how I can help the environment:

· Restrict the use of fossil fuels such as petrol and diesel
· Turn off lights and appliances in places that I’m not located in
· Change to compact fluorescent lamps
· Use the bike, or walk if I’m going to any nearby place

If I would like to be a bit of an extremist, I could do the following:

· Lower the temperature on the radiators and put on a sweater instead
· Insulate the house so that I don’t have to waste so much energy to heat it up
· Plant some trees in the garden

I know what I’m going to do but that’s not the most important thing. What really matters, in my opinion, is that everyone participates and tries to help with some kind of contribution.

I believe that most people don’t really know what they can do to help. I think that one should go out in the media and tell everyone what they can do. Then you’re given a guideline, something to strive for. It might make people take an active interest in the climate issue.

Now is the time, we must change ourselves. “You can’t have your cake and eat it too”, Earth is the dearest we’ve got and we have to take well care of it. If everyone does something, it will m...

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Inactive member [2009-04-07]   The earth destiny is in our hands
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