The Ghost’s at the Stable

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uppladdat: 2009-12-16
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The Ghost's at the Stable

I was out in the forest riding my horse and it was getting dark so I decided to ride back to the stable. When I was back in the stable my friend came and said that she and her mom was going home now and that only one adult private-horse-owner was out on the hippodrome so I was all alone in the stable. It was a really old and little spooky stable were we had our horses. It laid a long way from the city in a big forest, it had been a really big ranch at the place for a hundreds of years ago and I didn't like to be alone there.

I started any way to take care of my horse. I stood a long time and just groomed my horse. Suddenly I heard a really weird sound it sounded like an old squeaking door, but I knew that none of the doors in the little stable sounded like that. I looked up and saw a little girl with long dark hair and she had a long brown old-fashioned dress and no shoes. She looked like she was about six, seven years old. When stood there looking at her disappeared. I stood completely still for about a minute staring at the point where the girl stood just seconds ago. I waked from the spell when my horse started pushing his nose on my arm. I continued with the grooming and when I was done I went out to the hippodrome and it wasn't any one there so I thought that they were inside in the riding house. I decided to go to the riding house and say that I was going home now.

When I turned around I heard that sound of galloping horses, I turned back and saw a dozens of horses with war clothed riders coming against me i...

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Inactive member [2009-12-16]   The Ghost’s at the Stable
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