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Bok: Anathem

Pages: 981

Writer: Neal Stephenson

Type of Book: Fantasy

Sum: Anathem is a book about a world were there is a city called the Concent, a sanctuary for mathematicians, scientist and philosophers. So this book is a very difficult book to read because it's hard English in it and there is very many different words that only exist in this world / book. And because its very much math in it (everything is about math, they have a different system for the whole math, different way of counting years and very, very many more different ways) its very cloudy to read because you haven't learned all the different words that only exist in the book. But the story about Concent is that they have lived separated from the world for very long but now, because it's a once-a-decade-rite they invite the public to come inside the Concent, and that's when it all starts, a big threat is threatening the Concent and Erazmas, also called Raz, that's a bell-clapper who rings in the clock every day, but that all changes when the Concent opens for the public so in a flash he finds himself on a mission to save the Concent and the whole world that he has lived in up until now.

I chose to read this book because its long and I hate books that end too fast, and because it seemed real good.

Grade: I think I give this book a 6 because it was a really good story but there were very difficult English and the story was messy, it switches main characters sometimes in the beginning, but it was still very good.

Neal Stephenson was born 31 oktober 1959 in Fort Meade in Maryland and he's a writer that often get mathematics, currency's and of science's history. And that's something that almost personifies Anathem I think because it's very much about mathematics and science. I think he's a good writer but he messes everything up about ¾ parts in the book so you often don't understands fully what's happening.

Raz is a pretty shy but still brave guy, but when the book's done it feels like he has grown in some way but still is the nice and helpful guy.

Now when I'm done with this book it feels like I have read a life time story in a very short time (not so short for being a book, but for a life-time) so it feels like you miss it but still is done with it, al...

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