social media- argumentation against social media

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uppladdat: 2016-03-02
Inactive member

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Social media- what’s the real life?

People these days live their lives through social media. Apps like Instagram, snapchat and facebook are regularly updated and the hunt for more likes is bigger than ever. You go out with some friends to eat at a fancy restaurant but the first thing you do when the food comes in is to take a photo of it and post it somewhere. You go to the cinema to watch a movie but the first thing you do is to take a photo and post it somewhere. You attend a concert but you watch it through the camera lens. Most of our happy memories are actually experienced through a camera.

Everything we do these days has to be uploaded on social media to somehow prove to the society that “I do have a fun life” or “look how perfectly happy I am”. About three weeks ago a girl who got very popular on Instagram had enough of this. She had a lot of followers and only judging her photos, she lived the perfect life. But one day she had enough. She explained to all her followers how she could get mad at her sister for not taking the photos perfectly. She explained that it may look like she had a wonderful day at the beach but she actually never enjoyed the beach. She only dressed up in a bikini so she and her sister could take the whole day to try to take the perfect picture for her Instagram.  More and more people starts to delete some of their social media accounts because the pressure to always be active becomes too much.

We need to stop living our lives through the social media. It has come to a breaking point where people has an inner stress because they don’t get enough followers or likes. We try to show the world how perfectly happy we are when we actually feel bad deep inside. As a result of this, social media has actually become an addiction. It has happened that people needs to go to psychologists or therapists to get help with their addiction. Some people’s biggest aspiration isn’t always getting a high education, sometimes their biggest aspiration is to run the biggest blog or Instagram account. 


On the other hand, social media helps us stay in touch with our relatives and friends far away. Many companies have been able to establish themselves more through social media and you can easily reach out with important information just because many people use social media. But we have to cut down on the use of it and live for real.
It’s not only the fact that we live our lives through social media that affect us badly. Problems with sleeping, having a conversation in person, multitasking and burning out your brain are caused by using social media to...


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Inactive member [2016-03-02]   social media- argumentation against social media
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