Prostutition, argumenterande tal

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uppladdat: 2017-11-23
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Argumentative speech against prostitution


Some argue that it’s their human rights, making love, partying and having a great time. Others will say it’s horror, pain, utilization, and having a miserable time. Who should you listen to? What does facts and statistics say? What seems reasonable?
Close your eyes and imagine this: Let’s say your 17 year old daughter and her friends are going for a weekend trip to Spain. Suddenly, you stop hearing from her, you stop hearing from her friends, and there’s no one answering her phone. Your daughter and her friends has been kidnapped, drugged and are being sold as sexslaves against their will. Does this seem reasonable? No it does certainly not, not for me. Some people will disagree, but I’m going to tell you what I believe is reasonable.


I believe prostitution should be illegal all over the world.
Just to make clear, prostitution is an operation where one or many people perform sexual acts to another person in exchange for money.
Argument mellan:

There can be no doubt that many prostitutes are being abused, assaulted and even raped by their customers during their work shifts. According to an international survey where 854 prostitutes from 9 different countries have gotten interviewed, 71 % have been assaulted, 64 % have been threatened with weapons, and 63 % have been raped - all in connection with prostitution. The bigger part of the raped victims are women and kids.

This will obviously affect their mental health in a negative way, which will have an impact upon their future since people with violence and abuses in their past shows an overrepresentation in mental diseases and dissociative personal features.
Argument svagt:

It cannot be denied that the ones who sell sex are more likely to suffer from transmittable sexual diseases, such as HIV and as we all know, HIV is a disease which can lead to AIDS, a very lethal disease that often leads to death. These infections are very likely to happen because of the prostitutes large amount of sexual partners, and the commonness of having an addiction to injections. These transmittable diseases will of course affect the one who is selling the sex, and therefore the buyer. Even though the act of communicable diseases, it’s very common that prostitutes carries, and infects the other partner.


But on the other hand, as we all know, every human being has its rights over its own body. If you want to sell your body for sexual use, you are free to do that since you’re free to decide over yourself. The right to freedom is a holy grail to liberals, which most times seems legit.
Argument starkt:

But since there are too many cases where the freedom of their own body gets violated in forms of assault, rape and other horrible acts, I think it would be more safe for women, kids,  and for the society to make restrictions, and hopefully illegalise prostitution all over the world. One horrible crime that involves prostitution is trafficking. Trafficking is defined by the UN as the recruiting, transportation or transmission of other humans by using for an example violence, threats or kidnapping to control another human with the purpose to use them.
I think many of us are familiar with trafficking from the movie Taken, where the main character’s daughter and her friend gets kidnapped and used as sexslaves. This example of trafficking is almost just like the one I mentioned in the beginning, and the saddest part about this example is that it actually exists, and probably occurs right this second!

Upprepa tes:

I really believe we should unite and illegalise prostitution all over the world, to make our society more safe and in the meantime decrease cases of trafficking and other illegal activities, since trafficking is more common in countries where prostitution is legal. In addition, Sweden introduced a law in 1999 that made sexual services illegal. An investigation shows that trafficking occurs less in Sweden than in other comparable countries since the law was stated. The traffickers themselves says that the law has become a kind of obstacle for trades. Therefore, if every country would lay a law that would forbid sexual services, I believe that prostitution would decrease with a large amount, and hopefully disappear in due time.

To summarize this up, the right to buy sex should never be bigger than the right to have dignity for the people who directly or indirectly are being forced into prostitution.
In the beginning of this monologue, I said I was going to tell you what I believe is reasonable. Now, I’ve stated my facts and reached my point. I believe prostitution should be illegal all over the world, do you agree?

List of references


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