Lord of the Flies

3 röster
10938 visningar
uppladdat: 2001-05-17
Inactive member

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From Democracy to Dictatorship

An airplane crashes on a small island in the South Pacific and a group of English boys are stranded without any living adults. The island is mostly green jungle, high cliffs and long white beaches. And there is a mountain in the middle of it. In the beggining their lifes is quite good at the island. They have instituted rules and everyone has their own occupation, like hunting and fishing. Ralph, who is one of the maincharacters, is a twelve year old broad-shouldered boy with a suntanned body. His face is mildly and he doesn´t look like a scary person. The first person Ralph meets at the island is ”Piggy”, who is a shy, fat and small little boy with big, round glasses. ”Piggy” has no selfconfidence and trusts nobody but Ralph. Then we have Jack who is the evil part of this book. Ralph is beeing chosen to be the leader and as he feels sorry for Jack he gives him the command over the boy-choir. In the second part of the book Jack succeeds to turn everyone of the boys against Ralph and gets the control over the group.

Ralph who was chosen to be their leader summons the boys by blowing in a big shell which he has found at the beach. At a meeting it was decided that they should have a fire burning at the top of the mountain so that boats could see that they were there. Jack has ever since the first meeting challenged and provoked Ralph. He really hates Ralph, but Ralph doesn´t seem to notice.

The tims goes by and Ralph is more and more isolated from the boys and Jack. The only persons Ralph have that he really can trust is Simon, a small little boy who loves to be by himself, and Piggy who Ralph starts to think is quite annoying and redicolous.

At a meeting Jack suddenly says that he wants a new vote of leader. Should it be Jack or Ralph?
When nobody says anything Jack claims with a anger in his voice that he is no longer going to stand Ralph´s laws. Jack wants to be their new leader. He exhorts the boys to follow him to the mound of stones where they are going to dance wardances and hunt boars. Time is passing by and the boys are leaving Ralph one after another to go to Jacks gang and the boarhuntings.

There has been a rumour about a beast living at the top of the mountain and one day when Simon is going out to find food he walks right into a terrible boarhead which the hunting-squad have sat up on a stick as a sacrifice to the beast. Simon is so confused that he missunderstands the boars head as the beast! With the smell of old rotten flesh and the flies around the head he thinks it is ”The lord of the flies”. Simon faints and gets unconscious. When he wakes up again he discovers that the beast really is a dead man, probably the pilot, and his parachute. Confused and chocked he runs back to the other boys to tell the news. As he comes running with the big parachute the other boys, who are dancing a horrible wardance, thinks that Simon is the beast and attacks him with different kinds of weapons. They kill Simon in a bloody and horrible way and when they realise what they have done, they blaim no-one and everyone. They had done it together.

Later in the book Piggy is beeing killed too. The purpose is to scare Ralph so that he gets more careful and afraid. After the s.c ”accident” Ralph runs away and hides in the jungle threatend by the wild boys and their homemade weapons.

The book really has a happy ending. The boys set the whole island on fire just to find Ralph. Ralph is beeing chased to the beach and there he fell down exhausted. And finally something good happens. At the beach stands a naval officier. He lookes at them and askes which one of them that is the leader. ”I am” says Ralph. The o...

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Inactive member [2001-05-17]   Lord of the Flies
Mimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=634 [2024-04-27]

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