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uppladdat: 2006-10-26
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A gun, it is just a small thing. But it is a symbol of sadness. Weapons are the tools of war and crime. War and crime impacts the everyday life, more then I fully can understand. It rips people’s spirit apart.
Guns, or more precise the gunman, have the power to take lives. Maybe that is why so many people feel attracted to them, you can play “god”. Perhaps you also feel safer, knowing it is easy to defend yourself. But as I see it, guns give more problem then aid. When you are scared there is a tremendous risk to turn to violence. You use your pistol, fire without thinking, killing the thief or worse your best friend. The memory will hunt for the rest of your live.”
In Sweden there are not that many people walking around armed, the risk of being attacked is rather minimal. If such a situation would occur here Swedes rely on the police. They are ones with arms. But I am not naïve enough to believe that it is hard to get hold of a gun if you really want to. Plenty of weapons are sold on the black market everyday.
In Sweden we also have laws that make it illegal to have a gun without license. Which I think is very good. The laws decrease the number of gun owners automatically. It is complicated and takes time to get a license.
In the USA it is “every good citizen’s right” to own a gun. I think that “right” is bad. There need to bee some restrictions. To quote one of the men in ”Bowling for Colombian”, “there are wakcos out there”. When you hear that the USA is the country with most gun related murders, you do not get surprised. You can, literally, (if you are American) buy a firearm in most shops. I think the gun situation in the USA create a fear of guns. If you know that everybody on your street own a gun, it is not strange if you want one too. It is like a bad spiral.
A question I would like to have an answer to is; how would the world bee without guns, happier? Will the wars and the crimes stop? If that assumption came true, I would be truly glad. But the possibility is rather low, men have always created weapons. If we didn’t have guns there would be something else, maybe more frightening.
If you think of the gun evolution, were will it stop. Everyday a new kind of firearms develops. Some of the guns they make today have no other use then to kill humans. That is terrifying. You don’t use a machine gun to hunt.
If you think about it, is it not strange that something as small as a bullet can change your life so rapidly? That one second of your life decides ...

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Inactive member [2006-10-26]   Guns
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