Bokrecension: boy - tales of childhood av roald dahl

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uppladdat: 2006-11-09
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The story is about Roald Dahls childhood. The first part of the book is about Roalds parents and their lives before Roald was born. In the beginning of the second chapter his father die, in a age of fifty-seven.

The second part of the book is about his time on the first school, Llandaff Cathedral School. During his first school year he accomplish to get punishment at least twice time and scare a sweet shop manager, he hide a dead mouse in pot of candies. When he still were going in the first school, during a vacation in Norway, his mother bring him to a doctor to remove his adenoids, the operations then was not as now, before they didn’t use anaesthetic. So for Roald was it very painful.

Than was it time to begin in a new school, St Peter’s School, witch he begin 1925, in an age of nine. It was a very strict school with a lot of rules. During theirs spare time they get forced to obey a person called the Matron. The Matron forced the pupils to obey his rules and do every word he were saying. He used different punishment if you treated his rules, often the punishments was rips over the butt with a stick. His rules was very strict and unnecessary in my meaning.
But the Matron was not the only one who was mean against the students, it was also one teacher who used the students for his own will.
In the winter a man , who was called Captain Hardcastle , used Roald to heat the lavatory ring before he was going to use it.

During the three years at St Peter’s School he also faked an appendixes in desperate to coming home again, crashed with a car and almost lost his nose and one of the vacation in Norway they also poisoned his ancient sister boyfriend trough switching his ordinary tobacco against goat pooh.

The last part of the book was about his last school years and when he begun working . His last school was named Repton and was a famous public school. When he at the first time saw his new school dress he got bad feelings. It was the most complicated and ridicules dress he ever seen. But when he came to the school he didn’t care any longer because every boy who was going to begin the Rapton school wear the same clothes as he did.

I think he liked the time on the last school more than the two others. Because this time he was used to be treated with punishment. Roald was also good at games witch gave him greater extent in the school. He was the team leader for two of the school game teams and when you was it you got a lot of respect.

After three years on the Repton school he started to work. His first job was at petroleum company.
His greatest wish was to travel to south Africa and work there...

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  • Inactive member 2007-05-21

    Jag hade hoppats på att höra l


Inactive member [2006-11-09]   Bokrecension: boy - tales of childhood av roald dahl
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