Live a little

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uppladdat: 2006-11-12
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The book I read is Live a little by Colin Neenan. It is like his other books for teenagers, which is about people in high school. Because Colin Neenan is a high school librarian, he knows what he is writing about and can describe realistically how it is in a school.
Life isn’t easy for Hale O''''Reilly, he got to make chilli for his sister, who is going to sing on a big concert and he has no idea how to do that. Like that isn’t enough he got the final exams to think about and Zoe, his lab partner in physic, who he is secretly in love with. It doesn’t get better when he discovers that Zoe is crying a lot. Why is she crying? Does she have some sort of weird or even deadly disease?
I think the massage in the book is like the title says: live a little. You can’t just go around and be worried about things (well you can, but it is not a good idea). Because then you don’t have time to live, and maybe you have nothing to worry about, and then you just have wasted your time. The book is therefore trying to say “carpe diem”, sees the day, you have to live each day like it is your last day. If you go around and are afraid of everything, you are going to miss a lot of things.
The book has a first-person narrator, who is Hale O’Reilly. He tells everything from his own perspective, and it’s really clear that he don’t know what other persons thinks or feels. This part from the book shows it really good: “’Sorry.’ I turned like a block of wood, avoiding her eyes, afraid she’d seen something. My eyes - she had to see it. Did she realize? Did she know? I felt like I’d accidentally thrown my arms around her and kissed her on the lips. How could she not notice?”
I really enjoyed the book, because it has a really good message and you discover that you don’t have to be so afraid of things. It can be your mind that playing tricks with you and you shouldn’t see only the bad things in everything. You might be wrong, so instead of being so scared of everything you should be more relaxed. If you’re worried about someone, ask if it is something that is wrong, instead of imagining bad things about him or her. Hale is really afraid of asking what is really wrong with Zoe, and therefore he imagines a lot of bad things. In the book you can read as follow “…and I decided I’d talk to Zoe at school. I’d done enough not talking to her. Now I’d talk. Thank her for the doughnut. Tell her things. Take my time, pick the right words. Just talk”. Sadly he doesn’t talk to her, he goes straight to his class when he gets to school. The nerves got to him and he decided that he wasn’t ready, but you don’t have to be ready for that kind of things. You don’t have to decide exactly what you should say, because then ...

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Inactive member [2006-11-12]   Live a little
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