Janet Evanovich - Elven On Top

2332 visningar
uppladdat: 2007-03-15
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Stop 1.

The story in brief
The novel is the 11th book in the series about Stephanie Plum. She is a bounty hunter and now she’s fed up with it. She’s bean shot at, spat at, cussed at, fire bombed, mooned, attacked by dogs, kidnaped and her cars keep blowing up. And as if that wasn’t bad enough, now she is being stalked by the living dead! So she returnes her cuffs and the phony badge she bought off the Net, to get a “normal” job like a “normal” person. Though Stephanie isn’t like notmal people. Disaster follows hr like a shadow and soon she realises that getting a new job is not the problem, but to keep it.

A Description of a person
Stephanie is a verry complicated person. She likes fast-food and cake and shares a small appartment, in Trenton New Jersey, with her hamster Rex.
She always get’s in to some kind off trouble and if she’s not getting killed she’s getting fired again. Not to mention her love life, where she can’t deside who she wants the moste, the love of her life, Morelli, or Ranger, who hapends to be the hottest guy in town.


Quote 1.
I heard the pop of gunshot bhind me and the “zing, zing, zing” of three rounds tearing into metal and fiberglas. I was pretty sure it was my metal and fiberglas, so I floored the Saturn and sailed across the intersection. I crossed North Clinton and kept going, checking my rearview mirror. Hard to tell in traffic, but i didn’t think anyone was following me. My heart was racing, and I was telling myself to chill. No reason to belive this was anything more than a random shooting. Probobly just some gang guys having some fun, practicing his sniping. You have to practice somewhere, right?
This shows Stephanies incredible talant to repress the truth. In sticky situations she comes up with the most lame excuses to why things hapen to her, just so she dosn’t have to deal with the reality.

Quote 2.
“That’s it? Time for a change? I can’t tell people that story. It’s boring. I need something better. How about we tell them you’re pregnant? Or maybe we could say you got a rare blood disease. Or there was a big contract put on your head unless you gave up being a bounty hunter.”
This is the reaction from Grandma Mazur when she finds out about Stephanie giving up bounty hunting. Even though Grandma Mazur is old she loved to go on sneak outs, and capture bad guys, with Stephanie. She’s the kind of person that likes drama and she is always the one with all the juicy storys. Stephanie quiting her job will be big news, but if it has a dramatic reason Grandma Mazur will be in the centre of every ones attention at the beauty parlor later the same afternoon.

10 words
1. Strap Rem
1. Dermatologist Hudläkare
2. Semiautomatic Automatvapen
3. Inverse Omkastad
4. Wangle Fiffla med
5. Poignancy Bitterhet
6. Podgy Knubbig, rund
7. Gamy Modig, djärv, käck
8. Dazed Omtumlad
9. Jolt Kraftig skakning
10. Hernia Sjuklig utbukning av en hinna i kroppen (ex. vener)

Stop 2.

The story in brief
Stephanie is still trying to get a “normal” job, though it’s not going verry well. She got fired from the botton factory before she even began her first day at work, she caused a shooting episode at her second job at the Kan Klean Dry Cleaners and her bos, Mama Macaroni, got blown up in her car.
The next day, Lola made her get a job at the Cluck-in-a-Bucket fast-food restorant, which burned down at her first day at work. Who will hire her now?
Just as she thinks her only option is to get a job somewhere where no one have heard of her, Ranger tells her they have a job opening at his security company. He claims he’s not ofering her the job because he pityes her, but Stephanis is not so sure.
And after she exidently told her mother a small lie about playing the cello, her mom and sister, Valerie, have organized so she can play at Valeries wedding. The problem is, she dosn’t even know what a cello looks like!

A Description of a person
Lola is a verry fat and food-obsesed bounty hunter. She used to work as a whore at Stark Street untill she met Stephanie a few years back, and got a job at the enforcement agentsy office, as an archiver. Now that Stephanie quit bounty hunting, Lola took the job, thinking that now she’ll go and kick some ass. So lately people all over town have had their doors knocked in by this bigg woman in high heals and a gun she can’t even use propperly. And still, she makes Stephanie come with her on her missions, as an “personal assistant” as she claims, but really just so Lola herself dosn’t get in to too much trouble.


Quote 1.
An SUV pulled up to the window, I reached for the money, and I found myself staring into Spiro Stiva’s glittering rat eyas. The lightning was bad, but I could see that his face had obviously been badly burned in the funeral home fire. I stood rooten to the spot, unable to move, unable to speak.
Stephanie finds herself standing face to face with one of her greatest enemys. Spiro tryed to kill her a while back, but the’re was a fire and he disappeared. Every one thought he was dead, but now he’s back, obviously to get his revenge.

Quote 2.
Grandma fixed an eye on Morelli. “How come you don’t marry her?”
“Not my fault,” Morelli said. “She wont marry me.”
“Ofcorse it’s your fault.” Grandma said. “You must be doing something wrong, if you know what I mean. Maybe you need to buy a book that tells you how to do it. I hear there are books out there with pictures and everything. I saw one in the store the other day. It was called ‘A Sex Guid for Dummies.’”
That was the speach of Grandma Mazur. She is Stephanies grandmother and she always speaks her mind.
Stephanies family is expecting Stephanie and Morelli to get marryed and setle down, something Stephanie’s not even considering at the moment. So as soon as the family get a chanse, they start talking about weddings and telling them what to do.

10 words
1. Hoot Dyft, dugg (ex. jag bryr mig inte ett dugg om honom)
2. Squinting Skelögd, titta i kors
3. Morphe Morf (språkvetenskapligt)
4. Amount Mängd
5. Lanky Ranglig, lång och smal
6. Strands Slinga (något som är böjt i krokar eller i en ring)
7. Dope Idiot, tjockskalle, dummer
8. Serene Fridfull, lugn
9. Goofy Långben
10. Stagnant Stillastående

Stop 3.

The story in brief
Stephanie is working at Ranger’s office now and her job is to find useful information about people, to her boses. To what purpose, she dosn’t know, but the programs she uses are scary intrusive and when she searches her own name she realises we have no secrets.
Another bomb made Morellis SUV and garage blow up like fireworks. Looks like Spiro is just playing with her, because this far he has had many chanses to kill her, but instead he just makes a mess out of everything and then still lets her go.
At the same time, Valerie, runns away to Disney Land with her three children and fiancé, at their wedding day, and it looks like her mother is becoming an alcoholic after all the wedding planing and the stress. As for Stephanie, she finaly realises she is addicted to cake and cookies and goes on a strict no-sugar-what-so-ever diet.

A Description of a person
There’s not really much to say about Ranger. No one knows who he really is, just that he was in the military a few years back, he is good with guns and owns his own company. He always wears black clothes, only drives expencive black cars and is somewhere between 25-35 years old. He dosn’t “chat” and people are verry scared of him. And he always buggs Stephanies cars so he knows where she is. He sais that if it wasn’t for him, she would be dead by now, and no one disagrees with him on that point.


Quote 1.
“Stephanie,” he said. “Always nice to see you.”
I appreciated the greeting, but I knew it was a big fat lie. The ugly truth is, Stiva would rather shove a sharp stick in his eye than see Grandma or me alive on his doorstep. Dead would be something else.
Stephanie goes to confront Constantine Stiva about his son Spiro, and ask him if he knows something about Spiro returning to Trenton. Stiva owns the most popular funeral home in Trenton and is the typical guy that always is nice to everybody, even the ones he dosn’t like. He sees everybody as future costumers.

Quote 2.
Morelli and I stood there, dumbstruck. His garage had gone up like fireworks and hade come down like confetti. Morellis SUV was a fireball. His yard was littered with smoldering junk.
“Omigod!” I said. “The cello was in your SUV.” I pumped my fist into the air and did a little dance. “Yes! Way to go! Woohoo! There is a God and he loves me. It’s good-bye cello.”
“Honey, my garage just blew up. We’re supposed to be upset.”
“Sorry. I’ll try to look serious now.”
Anyone would have paniced after just seeing a garage blow up just a few meters away, and knowing the bomb was meant for them, but not Stephanie. All she can think about is that now she dosn’t have to tell her mother that she dosn’t play the cello.

10 words
1. Decal Bild med text eller symbol som klistras på något
2. Fairly Någorlunda
3. Unanimous Samfälld, förenad, enhällig
4. Utilize Använda, ta i anspråk, begagna
5. Oarta Stora kroppspulsådern
6. Apathy Apati, håglöshet
7. Degenerate Förändras till det sämre
8. Inevitably Oundvikligt
9. Keen Ivrig, entusiastisk, förtjust
10. Capers En krydda

Stop 4.

The story in brief
Stephanie has big problems with the no-sugar diet and realises it only makes her obsest with other things. Looks like repressing one problem only makes a new one.
Despite her suger-addiction she manages to stay in focus while looking for her stalker and finaly, hard to belive, she succeeds in tracking him down.
It show’s out that Spiro isn’t involved at all, in fact, Spiro is dead! It’s his father, Constantine Stiva, who harassed Stephanie and blewed her cars up and then made it look like it was Spiro. But Stephanie dosn’t realise this untill She’s down in Stivas basement, sneeking around for evidense to prove Spiro is involved, and Stiva shows up behind her and tells her his going to kill her and then uses his stun gun at her. (A stun gun dosn’t kill but has enough elektricity to make an adoult pas out.)
Stiva takes Stephanie to a ranch where he leaves her for a few hours so he can fix some last things before killing her, but while he’s gone Ranger, Tank and Hall find’s her and takes her back to Morellis place to be safe. But Stephanie dosn’t understand safe and as soon ans they are gone she sneaks out and back to the ranch where she wait’s in her Buik for Stiva to come back. When he’s about to drive in to his garage she hits the gas and drives her car right in to his so he drives in to a wall and his airbag popps. Ranger, Tank and Hall runs out and captures him. Stephanie is safe, for now.

A Description of a person
Morelli is an italian cop. He was also known as Trentons casanova a few years back, and now the guy that might marry Stephanie one day.
He’s the typical itaian type. Good-looking and has a temper that could scare eny one, and Stephanie is in a on-off relationship with him. Some days they are together and some days she won’t return his calls.


Quote 1.
“That’s a good idea,” L...

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Inactive member [2007-03-15]   Janet Evanovich - Elven On Top
Mimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=7428 [2024-04-29]

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