Bokrecension: A Million Little Pieces av James Frey

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uppladdat: 2007-02-18
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A million little pieces is a memoir, written by James Frey. Many people had recommended this book to me so I assumed that it must be good and decided to read it. James is a 23-year old young man who has been addicted to drugs and alcohol for 10 years. After an accident he is finally taken to a rehab center by his parents to take care of his problems and get his life straight.

Most of the book is spent in rehab in Minnesota, here James finds both friends and love. It is described as a safe and beautiful place. A place where people will help you as long as you want to be helped. A place where people will show you a different way of live but not force you to follow it. And most of all, it is a place run by former addicts to show you that you can make it and you will be okay.

The book, as you should already know, revolves around James and his struggle to give up drugs and alcohol, to deal with the consequences of the crimes he has committed and to find out why he acts the way he does and what he has to change about himself to become a better person. Everyday is a fight for James, with himself, his parents, the other patients, the staff and his memories. He is aggressive, a person you can’t trust. I find it interesting that he constantly describes himself as a strong man, yet he has so many weaknesses. By the end of the book, James has made a big transition from an addict to a person who has dealt with his demons and overcome them. Someone who will no longer make important decisions without thinking over them first.

I think that the message the author wanted to relay to the reader is that you should never give up, it is never too late to change and if you really want to do something, you can accomplish it.

After having read about half the book, I was amazed that the author was still alive. He had certainly lived an interesting life and I wanted to know more. I decided to do some research online and I was appalled with what I found. Not only are most of the stories he tells greatly over exaggerated, but the ones that aren’t are simply just made up. I was even more disgusted after reading that a tragic accident that killed two teenage girls did not happen the way James describes and he simply used the situation to make himself seem like more of a victim. Until this point I really liked this book. I wasn’t a big fan of his way of writing but I understood that it was written in a certain way so that the reader would really feel the emotions he felt. However, since it had become fairly obvious that he had never been through the things he talked about, his way of writing started to annoy me. In fact, I had a hard time finishing the book since I couldn...

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Inactive member [2007-02-18]   Bokrecension: A Million Little Pieces av James Frey
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