Bokrecension: Captain Corelli''s Mandolin av Lois De Bernières

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uppladdat: 2007-02-20
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The authors name is Lois De Bernières. He was born in London 1954.
Before writing novells, he worked in very varied jobs ex. Landscapegardener, motorcycle messenger and car mechanic.
Now he is one of the best contemporary novelists of our time.


The War of Don Emmanuel''''s Nether Parts (1990)
Señor Vivo and the Coca Lord (1991)
The Troublesome Offspring of Cardinal Guzman (1992)
Captain Corelli''''s Mandolin (1994)
Labels (1997)
The Book of Job (1998)
Red Dog ( 2001)
Sunday Morning at the Centre of the World (2001)
Birds Without Wings (2004)


I have read Captain Corelli´s Mandolin.This version is released by penguin readers.
The novel has 100 pages divided into 12 chapters.The story takes place on the island of Cepolonia in Greece during the second world war, before Mussolini invaded Greece. Bernières himself tried to be as close to the history of Cepolonia as possible.

As the story begins Dr.Iannis inroduce the history of Cepolonia.
The main characters of this book is Dr.Iannis who works as the local doctor,accompanied by his own daugther Pelagia. Mandras is Pelagias fiance and he joins the greek army.
Captain Antonio Corelli is an Italian captain that uses his mandolin as a weapon.
To captain Corelli italian cultur is extremely important and especially opera.

Corelli´s demands to join his army are:

.You must be a good opera vocalist
.You must sing La Donna é Mobile
.You must like Puccini and Verdi
.If you like Weber you become their enemy
.You must salut Puccini instead of Hitler.

The story

This is a story of a love affair between Pelagia and Captain Corelli. At the beginning Captain Corelli and Pelagia are enemies but Captain Corelli seduces Pelagia when he plays his mandolin and they fall secretly in love, but they have three problems.

1.They are enemies
2.Pelagia has another relationship.
3.Pelagia still loves Mandras.

To hide her longing she starts to imaginate that Mandras is dead.
More and more Captain Corelli gets a part of Pelagias family. Even her father starts to like Corelli. Former friends becomes enemies and former enemies becomes friends.
There’s both ugliness and happyness of a war.


I think this story is inspired by ancient mythologi, like Orfeus and Eurudike.
Bernières has written about this cultural war in an ironic way. I think he wanted to give us deeper insight in the second world war, through writing a love story. I believe that he really succeeded writing an interesting “history book”, that gives us many new interesting vibes of the second world war. I claim that he wanted to formulate the ugliness of the war.The story was also very complicated and complex because it happend during the second world war. Under this period of time there were...

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Inactive member [2007-02-20]   Bokrecension: Captain Corelli''s Mandolin av Lois De Bernières
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