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uppladdat: 2007-03-07
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There is something bigger then life and love, and that is friendship. If you have a true friend it won’t leave you until she or he dies or you die yourself. But then the love for the friend always lives in you’re heart Sometimes friends take their lives if a close friend of them dies. Let’s compare a boyfriend and a friend. A boyfriend mostly love the way you look and are towards him, the friend doesn’t care how you look as long as you like it yourself. A boyfriend can cheat on you easily a friend can’t really cheat on you since having other friends aren’t cheating. And when you break up with the boyfriend you can’t be comforted by him, then you have to go to your friends and get comfort and understanding. And if you break your boyfriends stuff by mistake he surely would be angry and if you break a friend’s stuff they just say, “Better that thing than you”. And if you get an ugly haircut your boyfriend will tell you to use a hat or cap or something and if you ask your friend she will tell you that you should show it to everyone you know and she would surely get a matching haircut herself. Boyfriends come and go, but a real friend stay with you always. A real friend is so hard to find, but I had have the luck to find 5 great friends, and they are my best friends. But one of them is better then the rest 4, but they are all my friends, and I hope that we are going to be friends forever. The difference between a boyfriend and a best friend, is that a best friend can you trust, and a boyfriend, you’ll never know when you are going to dump him. Boyfriends never last forever, e...

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Inactive member [2007-03-07]   Friendship
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