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uppladdat: 2007-04-12
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Vietcong was a guerilla force that fought to get North Vietnam and South Vietnam reunified under communist rule.

Vietcong was organized in three levels,
1. The Regular forces – operated under the command of the southern communist leadership.
2. The Full time guerillas - organized into companies to take leadership.
3. The Self-defense militia – primary village defense, also placed into squads, platoons and in the jungle.

The Vietcong’s wore no uniforms they were dressed in the same clothes as the locals and blended into the landscape well. After a completed mission, it could be really tough to catch them. Vietcong would periodically launch Hit-and-run attacks on government installations, military outposts and even towns in the south. A hit Hit-and-run attack is like the name says, an attack you make following by fast disappearing and attempted escape..

The guerillas were only given a basic training, but if they were recruited to a main force unit, they could receive up to a month of advanced instruction. A month is no time at all if you compare with other countries for example, in Sweden where a ten month long military education is compulsory before you go to war. Even though the Vietcong’s didn’t have much education at all, they did really well in the war, or I don’t mean they did well but at least they survived better then the Americans. There were dozens of hidden centers all over Vietnam to ensure that the guerrillas understood why they were fighting, all training courses included political instruction.

Weapons were available in large numbers and had the advantage of being very easy to transport. Many weapons like mines and traps were homemade in villages, the villagers were forced to make weapons for Vietcong, and if they didn’t they were tortured….
The biggest enemy against the nature during the war was America. More then 20.000 tons of explosives were scattered around the Vietnamese countryside, and the chemical weapons like agent orange they spread over the jungle to be able to see has still affects on humans and on the nature.

Vietcong’s base area was called Cu Chi, with it’s nearly 200 miles of tunnels
placed underground. It was impossible for strangers to see the base as everything happened underground, conferences, eating, sleeping and even some training, I have been to one of the tunnels and I cant imagine a life in their, the tunnels are so small, that a average western male wouldn’t fit.

I think that Vietcong was a shocking organization, to ask why I think so is a dumb question. I say so because Vietcong wanted Vietnam to be communistic, because of the tactics they used which destroyed Vietnams nature and which killed thousands of people, innocent people, people with own life’s, Life’s which were ...

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Inactive member [2007-04-12]   Vietcong
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-04-28]

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