Bokrecension: The call of th wild av Jack london

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uppladdat: 2007-05-15
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I have read a book named “The call of the wild” and it is written by Jack London. Jack lived 1876 to 1916 and was born in John Chaney where I do not know where it is situated.
The places of scenery are situated, in the beginning; Santa Clara valley but mostly of the time it’s about Yukon.

About the story: Buck is a dog who was born into a world with luxury and affluence. He loves his master, but suddenly he’s transferred to a place he hasn’t seen before. Like a whole new world…
But the way to get there wasn’t exactly first class. He was flung into a cage-like crate and there, he met a man known as “the man in the red sweater” (at least to Buck) and he is not the kind of type that goes easy on someone and nor did he soften to Buck.

The law of club and fang; you eat or you’ll get eaten, you hunt or you’ll get hunted down. That was the law that Buck was thought early in his days in Yukon.
After the man in the red sweater, two men paid for Buck; Perrault and Francois are the men. They introduced him to the other dogs and Buck soon understands which dogs he can be friendly against and which ones he shouldn’t get in the way for. He also gets a powerful enemy, Spitz, but Buck tries to not deal with him.
So far so god could you say, but things is starting to happen. To take briefly: his best friend, Curly, a good-natured dog, died when she caught rabies. Buck also had a huge fight with Spitz. There had been many small fights between them, but this time, it was on life or death and it came along together with huge battle scars. Spitz died and Buck won, because if he hadn’t, the book would have its end there and it wasn’t.
Then, a scotch half-breed took charge of him and he made company with a dozen other dogs. For some month the dogs had their days filled with toil. There was no power of recuperation left. But he did not stay at the scotch half-breed especially long. Money passed by and he had three new masters, two men and one woman. They must have been the worst masters ever. They took half day unpacking and the same time to pack. But it all ended when Buck was way to is worn-out to move, and one of the men started to hit him with a club. Buck was near to die, but a man, named Jack Thornton, jumped forward and saved Buck. After that, Buck did never let Jack out of his sight and later, he saved Thornton’s life. At the time, they were travelling towards a lost mine and they got there after a long time drifting around. They were making themselves at home and Buck was beginning to hear the calling sound of the ancient forest and often he was gone for weeks, just walking around in the forest, but one time when he gets back, he saw a sight that he would never forget… the Yeehats (Indians) have killed everyone and his beloved Jack Thornton had been murdered, and his desperate struggle was fresh-written in the earth.
The Yeehats, after that some thing happened, told everyone about a ghost dog at the head of the wolf pack. If you want to know why, you should read the most excellent book ever.

My opinion of this book; well, I have always loved this book and I will always love it. It feels like a classic, that you bring out from the dusty library some times and you really get emotionally when you read it. If you take me as an example; Some times I laughed high, sometimes I wanted to scream out laud in anger and sometimes I nearly started to cry. It’s a great mix of everything.
I would definitely recommend this book to any reader, because, unlike most books that’s aiming for a certain target group. Fantasy books are more for people with fantasy-interest and there are detective novels and youth books. Almost every book as their target, but this book fits in every hand.

The book is also very eventful, but there are places where everything sort of stands still, but it is a great contrast because not even I like to read a book when everything is coming at you at the same time, you can barely keep up with the book.
Just as I said before, it’s a great assortment of everything.

About the message, actually I’m not sure. I think it’s in the direction of “what goes around comes around”, and that you always have to be on your guard and fight for your existence. This is because it is exactly was Buck has to do for a living. If you concentrate on the beginning, when he first came to Yukon he had such a hard time to adapt himself and that is a prob...

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