The It

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uppladdat: 2007-05-27
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Once upon a time, on the small planet ”Ceedaz”, the evil Lord Ola, was trying to come up with the perfect plan to take over the Universe. When Lord Ola sat in his blue house, at his green table, with red spots all over the table, he heard someone outside sneaking. Lord Ola thought it must be a spy from the Republic of Friendship. Lord Ola went to the closet to get his black light sable. When Lord Ola, had got his light sable, he went to the door, so he could surprise the spy outside. Lord Ola waited for the perfect moment to jump out and cut of the ugly head of the spy.
Suddenly the door flies up. The person Lord Ola thought was a spy from the Republic, was no other then Mr. Olle. He is Lord Ola’s personal spy.

-What are you doing here? Lord Ola asked.
–I have information you would kill for, my Lord. The Republic of Friendship have been starting with an ultimate million Dz project, The It. (Dz is the currency for the Red solar system, where the planet “Ceedaz” is situated)
-The It? Lord Ola asked, with a nervous tone.
-Yes, I’ve heard, that ”The It” is a enormous mass destructive weapon.
-So the legend will become true. For along time ago a wise man told me, that in the future, the Republic will replace the evil force in this world with happiness and love, with an enormous weapon.
-We can’t let it happen, my Lord. Then there will be nothing to live for, Mr. Olle said with an unpleasant tone.
If this really happens, then we will not be alive, don’t you get it, we are one with the evil force, we are a part of the evilness in this world.

The next day, there was a secret meeting with the group of evilness called ”The Bad Boys”, at Lord Ola’s house.
The Bad Boys was, was Dr. Jakob, Professor Oscar and his assistant Pontus, Mr. Olle and of course Lord Ola.

-Welcome, I have called everyone to this meeting, because we have a serious problem!

Everyone started to chitchat around the table with each other.

-Silence! Lord Ola shouted.
-The problem is ”The It”. it’s a project the republic has started with, and it will replace all the evilness with happiness.
We need to sabotage the project before it has been completed. Don’t forget your light sables.
-We totally agree!

The next day, The Bad Boys went to the space station where they should meet.

-Finally, is everyone here?
-No, not Dr. Jakob, he is still in the tax free.
-Can assistant Pontus please go and get him quick!
But here comes Dr. Jakob, well what’s that ugly thing on your head? Lord Ola asked, with a irritated tone on his voice.
-It’s my new hat, don’t you like it? With all this beautiful pink butterflies on it.
- yeah, whatever. Now we need to keep moving to our gate, so we don’t miss our flight.

On the way to the gate Lord Ola, thought something felt suspicious, he couldn’t really get what it was but, something was it.
The Bad Boys now sat on the plane to the house of Republic.
Suddenly three men stood up with a light sable in each hand, and pointed with the lig...

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Inactive member [2007-05-27]   The It
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