Why there are racism in the world

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uppladdat: 2001-11-15
Inactive member

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This question is impossible to answer, because if we knew there wouldn’t be any racism. But in this paper I’ll try to get some explanations about why a person could get those bad opinions.

Hate against foreigners aren’t just one action, it’s a lifestyle. A lifestyle who means that you think that all strangers is evil and that you’ve have to protect yourself from them by being spiteful towards them. But why do some people think that they are evil? Some say it’s because of fear, fear of the unknown.

A person that becomes a racist as an adult is often grown up with racism thoughts. Like we saw in American History X a father can make his kids believe that dark-skinned
persons are bad people just by saying it. The father in that movie made the oldest boy hate them and the younger brother Danny followed in his big brother’s footsteps. Luckily the oldest one, Derek, understood that he was wrong while he were in prison. But at that
time Danny already was a nazi too. Derek almost saved Danny but unfortunately it was too late. At the end Danny was killed by some dark-skinned that he was condescending towards at the beginning.

America is called “the country for everybody” and it has today a very strong racism and many active racists.
One reason why the racism has grown so strong could be because of all the slaves the Americans brought there for a long time ago. When the slaves had become so many that the white people couldn’t control them the whites started to blame everything that went wrong on the African’s. The parents said to their little child already when it lied in the cradle that the “nigger’s” were very bad.

What can you expect from someone who grows up in a home full of hate? And if you only have learnt one thing during your entire childhood how can you later try to live in the world and realise that the one thing you have learnt isn’t right?
Hitler was grown up with hate against Jews and as you all know he is a very good example of what hate or perhaps fear against strangers can make with a person. We
know after reading Anne Frank’s Diary that the Jews had a terrible life under the Second World War. We have to remember that because we can never let it happen again!
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Inactive member [2001-11-15]   Why there are racism in the world
Mimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=872 [2024-04-29]

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