Bokrecension: The body. av Stephen King

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uppladdat: 2008-02-13
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About Stephen king

I think that Stephen king is the best writer in the world. His books are always feels like they are made just for me and no one else. He was born in 1947 in Portland, Maine in the United States. He came from a poor family, but later he went to university and became a teacher. His first novel Carrie (1973) was successful. Since then he has written over thirty books. He writes 362 days of the year, only taking a break for Christmas and his birthday.” The body” is one of King’s greatest work.

About the book

The book is about four twelve years-old boys, Gordon, Chris, Teddy, and Vern, who is the main character. They live in a small town named Maine in USA. They have a tree house, where they usually hang around. One day Vern came up in the tree house, he was out of breath. He had heard from his brother, that a boy called Ray Brower was dead lying by the railroads tracks. Suddenly there was a silence between the boys, everybody looked at each other. The body was about 30-40 miles away from the town. The boys decided to go and look for the body. When they would find the body every newspaper in the country would write about them. So they packed their bags and started walking along the railway tracks, all of them with their own backpack. Chris, the coolest of the four boys had a gun with him. What the kid didn’t know was that Ace Merrill also was looking for the body. Ace was a guy that all of the four boys were scared of, he was the one that nobody wanted to fight with. A lot of things happens to Gordon and the others during the journey. They almoste got killed by a dog and later they nearly got beaten up by the dog owner and finally they were really close to get hit by a train. But at last they were there, by the rail tracks was the body. The four boys stood there with respect to the body. After a while someone came, it was Ace. Behind him was eyeball, Chris big brother.They also wanted to become famous. Together they went down to the boys. Ace started talking to Chris and threatened Chris. Ace and his gang wanted to get famous alone. Therefore they didn’t want someone else to get the price for finding the body. When Ace tried to hit Chris, then Gordon loaded the gun that he had kept in his bag during the whole journey. At last the gang was gone because they were scared of the gun. But Ace said that they would take revenge. After the gang was gone, Gordon saw the body and started to cry, because it reminded him of his brother Danny. The four boys covered the body with a blanket and called the police. After that they went to their home. No one of the boys forgot this journey.

What I thought about the book

I actually never got bored when I was reading this book. Because interesting things happen all the time, and that makes the book more interesting. The characters also make the book interesting, when it’s a boring moment in the book and it’s an interesting character then you want to read more. Like when they found the body. The place was so boring but the characters were so interesting that you wanted to read more and more. The difference between the book and the film (Stand by me) is that, when you see the film you never know what the characters are really thinking, sometimes in the movie it happens a lot of things that I didn’t read about in the book. I tried to find it but with no succes. Once again, it´s a very good book for people who like horror stories. The book wasn´t so ...

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  • Inactive member 2010-11-26

    vilken bok är det av stephen king är det "the body" level 5 kan du skika en bild på boken tack????


Inactive member [2008-02-13]   Bokrecension: The body. av Stephen King
Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-04-29]

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