John C. Garand. Inventor of the semi- and the fully automatic rifle

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uppladdat: 2008-02-19
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In this essay I will communicate and explain John C Garand, both about his life and his inventions which introduced a whole new opportunity for all military forces around the world. Like most other scientists Garand faced many setbacks, mostly because the us military declaimed the rifle although it could save millions of lives and end the first world war early.

For the majority of the population Grand is mostly unknown although his invention, the semi and the fully automatic rifle, has affected all. Most occasions whit rifles of any kind through out has been bad.

Although rifles have been and are also used to bring peace in war, and to secure peace and/or valuable objects or more powerful weapons.
There are few inventions that have affected the history of mankind more than the rifle. Whatever you as a reader thinks about this is up to you…

Life’s story

On the first of January John c Garand was born on a small farm outside Quebec. Although he was born and raised on a small farm, at eleven years old he got a job at a textile mill in Connecticut as a floor sweeper. During his early years off working in the mill he quickly got fascinated of all the machinery around him.

By the age 18 John had learnt much from the workers at the mill and had become employed as a machinist at the mill. Soon after Garand and his family moved to Rhode Island where Garand became employed as a tool and gauge maker at Brown and Sharpe.

Later when Garand was in New York he read about the lack of adequate machine gun for the us-army. Short after he started to design a rifle based much on the previously standard infantry rifle, The M-1903. To help in the financing and construction he entered a deal whit John Kewish who gave Garand $50 each week and offered to develop Garand’s plans.

The first prototype of the gun was completed in June 1918. but when John Garand showed of his new weapons to the us-army they rejected it, stating that it was to heavy and that it fired to small bullets (the standard cartridge in the us army at the time was .30 but Garandes weapon fired .27).

After the demonstration the National Bureau of Standards allowed Garand to use their machine shop and machinists to help improve the design. They even paid each man $35 with Kewish paying for the remaining $15 for each man.

Just two month later the new prototype weapon was finished and both Garand and Kewish applied for patent for the new improved weapon. After long time Garand prevailed and continued to perfect it.

To show of his new invention and make a reputation for himself Garand decided to demonstrate his invention again to the us-army, although Garand’s best attempts the us-army declaimed the weapon yet again.

This time the main reason to their decision was simply that the war was over and they had lost interest of any new rifles. Even when there where no one who wanted to bye his new rifle Garand continued to adapt the Garand as he called the rifle to fit military standards. This for easing the selling of the rifle later.

Whether he would be able to sell the rifle to the military or not Garand was by now used to failing the demonstrations. In fact even before Garand started working on the semi automatic rifle he constructed a fully automatic rifle that he off cause showed the us military, this was in the beginning of the First World War but they rejected that weapon too.

In contrast to Garand’s earlier bad luck the Second World War erupted and the military came to Garand who had by now perfected the rifle to military standards.

And this time they accepted the rifle and immediately started to manufacture thousands of the new weapons which they by now had renamed to the M-1 rifle and it became the standard infantry weapon in the Second World War and the Korean War. When production ended in 1957 over 5,400,000 rifles had been manufactured.


John Garand didn’t invent a lot of inventions like many other famous scientists and inventors but his few inventions have shaped this world more than most other and it has lead the way for many improvements through out the years.

What he has been most famous for and most awarded for is that he constructed the first successful semi automatic rifle to go into mass production. Garand did also create a successful fully automatic rifle long before anyone else even tried. He vas long before his time.

But he never got the sponsorship necessary to mass produce his fully automatic rifle. Neither did he never get the military to get an interest in his automatic rifle, mostly because it used too many new parts and it used too much ammo, but it would have saved many life’s and end the Second World War early.

However the semi automatic rifle he did get sponsorship and after a lot of struggles and changes to the design he got the us- army to bye and mass produce the rifle called the M-1 or nicknamed the “Garand”.

The semi automatic rifle used many parts from the us-army’s former standard weapon the M- 1903 and weigh about the same. The rifle was fed through a cart containing six rounds that were pushed in from the top of the rifle and a gas operated system ejected the rounds from the side of the rifle after each fire. This systems greatest setbacks where that it was almost impossible to insert new rounds into the cartage and that the framework of the cartage ejected after the last round was fired

Although this system worked really well it was later replaced by a mag that would be inserted from underneath the rifle. This system was both easier to clean and to use and has been used as a standard system of all rifles and pistols (I’m not counting revolvers in here because technically they are diffe...

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Inactive member [2008-02-19]   John C. Garand. Inventor of the semi- and the fully automatic rifle
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