Lucas The Frog

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uppladdat: 2008-04-21
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Once up on the time there lived a small frog, named Lucas, in the big forest in the north of England. It was a very small frog with no muscles and a tiny nose. The shocking truth was that he wasn’t green. Instead he was an ugly blue frog with yellow dots. Because of his look everyone picked on him and it made him so sad that he decided to run away from the forest which always had been his home.

He just walked and walked, day and night until he was so hungry, thirsty and alone, that he couldn’t take it anymore. He sat down on a stump. He was deeply sad and started to cry. All of a sudden another frog, which looked just like him stood right in front of him. ‘Why are you crying?’ the other frog, named Fillip asked him friendly. Lucas told him all about his friends who picked on him and how he decided to run away. ’I’m in the same position like you’, Fillip said, ‘so I am very glad to meet you,’ ‘Me to Lucas said’, and felt already happier.

Fillip seemed to be a nice frog, but it appeared that Lucas was mistaken. Fillip made Lucas think bad thoughts and persuade him to take revenge of his past. But Lucas wasn’t ready to avenge his past. He didn’t want it at all. He missed his family. ‘Why not go back to them?’ he thought. ‘Maybe I was just a little sensitive, maybe they didn’t mean to hurt me.’ But what would Fillip say if I told him?’ ‘Maybe he hurts me?’

Lucas knew he had to tell Fillip, but it wasn’t easy. Lucas had as I said before noticed that Fillip was an ice cold and arrogant frog that could do everything to get what he wanted, not that friendly frog that he seemed to be when they first met. Even if Lucas was very afraid of Fillip he decided to tell him that he wanted to go home. He told him that he loved his family and friends and didn’t want to hurt them. He also told Fillip that he missed them very much and wanted to go back home now, because he was ready to forgive them. You can’t say Fillip became glad. No, he took it deeply personally and started to fight Lucas and it wasn’t a nice fight. They fought each other for hours and the fight ended when Fillip fell down in the foggy ravine. It was the last time they saw each other. Lucas started to cry...

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Mimers Brunn [Online]. [2024-05-21]

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