Bokrecension: The Other Side of the Story av Marian Keyes

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uppladdat: 2008-05-17
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I have read a book by the author Marian Keyes. The book takes place in the trade of publishing and it is about three women. It is the literary agent Jojo, the author Lily and the event organizer Gemma. Keyes describes the three women’s problems whit their mums, colleagues and boyfriends in an accurate and humorous way.

Jojo Harvey is and editor on a literary publishing company. She has a body you can die and she is really bright. She is determined to one day be a part owner in the agency, but when a new colleague emerge and wins a contract worth over a hundred pound, she finds her shelf in trouble.

One of Jojos authors is Lily Wright. She has written a “book of comfort” after she had been the victim in a robbery and the book became a best seller. But she has been clashed by writer’s cramp and starts to be desperate, because she has recently bought a dream house to her and her boyfriend Anton.

Gemma Hogan works as an event organizer. She used to be best friend to Lily until one day when Lily steeled her boyfriend Anton. Gemmas father has meet new women after thirty-five years of marriage and he decides to leave Gemmas mother. Gemmas mother become so chocked that she had to be feed by moderation medicine. Gemma does not see any other solution on the problem then to move home to her mother, which is not a decision that she is happy to make. Gemma sends her friend Suzanne desperate e-mails about her mother’s behaviour and other strange things that happen to her. Suzanne finds Gemmas small stories very entertaining and sends them to the only editor she know about, Jojo Harvey. And then the circle is closed.

I loved the book! I found it really funny and entertaining. Keyes describes the three women’s daily life in a humorous and funny way. It is the best book I have read in a very long time, I had difficulty to stop reading it. I just wanted to know what would happen next, who was that man and how is this going to work out…
I certainly recommend i...

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Inactive member [2008-05-17]   Bokrecension: The Other Side of the Story av Marian Keyes
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