Kurt cobain, the leadsinger in Nirvana

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uppladdat: 2008-05-26
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Cobain was born to Donald and Wendy Cobain on February 20, 1967 in the Grays Harbor Community Hospital in Aberdeen, Washington and spent his first six months living in Hoquiam, Washington before the family moved to Aberdeen. He began developing an interest in music early in his life. According to his Aunt Mari, "He was singing from the time he was two. He would sing Beatles songs like ''''Hey Jude.'''' He had a lot of charisma from a very young age.”
Cobain''''s life changed at the age of eight when his parents divorced in 1975, an event which he later cited as having a profound impact on his life. His mother noted that his personality changed dramatically, with Cobain becoming more withdrawn. In a 1993 interview, Cobain said, "I remember feeling ashamed, for some reason. I was ashamed of my parents. I couldn''''t face some of my friends at school anymore, because I desperately wanted to have the classic, you know, typical family. Mother, father. I wanted that security, so I resented my parents for quite a few years because of that."
Cobain was friends with a gay student at his school, sometimes suffering bullying at the hands of homophobic students. That friendship led some to believe that he himself was gay. In one of his personal journals, Cobain wrote the phrase "I am not gay, although I wish I were, just to piss off homophobes". In a February 1993 interview with The Advocate, Cobain claimed that he used to spray paint "God is Gay" on pickup trucks around Aberdeen. Cobain also claimed he was arrested in 1985 for spray-painting "HOMO SEX RULES" on a bank.
At the age of 14, Cobain was given his first guitar by his uncle, Cobain was offered the choice of a guitar or a bicycle as a birthday gift, and chose the guitar. In high school, he often found himself without anyone to jam with. Eventually, Cobain met Krist Novoselic. Novoselic''''s mother owned a hair salon and they would practice on occasion in the upstairs room. A few years later, Cobain tried to convince Novoselic to form a band with him. After months of asking, Novoselic finally agreed to join Cobain, forming the beginnings of Nirvana.
In February 1992, Cobain married Hole frontwoman Courtney Love in Hawaii. Love was somewhat unpopular with Nirvana fans; her harshest critics said she was merely using him as a vehicle to make herself famous.
In 1992 Love discovered that she was pregnant with Cobain''''s child, and in a article in Vanity Fair, she admitted that she had used heroin while (unknowingly) pregnant. The Los Angeles County Department of Children''''s Services took the Cobains to court, claiming that the couple''''s drug usage made them unfit parents. Two-week-old Frances Bean Cobain was ordered by the judge to be taken from their custody and placed with Courtney''''s sister Jamie for several weeks, after which the couple obtained custody, but had to submit to urine tests and a regular visit from a social worker. After months of legal wrangling, the couple were eventually granted full custody of their daughter.
Throughout most of his life, Cobain battled depression, chronic bronchitis, and intense physical pain due to an undiagnosed chronic stomach condition. This last condition was especially debilitating to his emotional welfare, and he spent years trying to find its source. However, none of the doctors he consulted were able to pinpoint the specific cause, guessing that it was either a result of Cobain''''s childhood scoliosis or related to the stresses of performing.
Cobain used heroin for several years, but, by the end of 1990, his use had developed into a full-fledged addiction. Cobain claimed that he was "determined to get a habit" as a way to self-medicate his stomach condition. As he said in an interweave, "It started with three days in a row of doing heroin and I don''''t have a stomach pain. That was such a relief." His heroin use eventually began affecting the band''''s support of Nevermind, with Cobain passing out during photo shoots. Cobain''''s heroin addiction worsened as the years progressed. Cobain made his first attempt at rehab in early 1992, not long after he and Love discovered they were going to become parents. After less than a week in rehabilitation, Cobain climbed over the wall of the facility and took a plane back to Seattle. A week later, on F...

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Inactive member [2008-05-26]   Kurt cobain, the leadsinger in Nirvana
Mimers Brunn [Online]. https://mimersbrunn.se/article?id=10022 [2024-07-27]

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